chapter 2 - hero school behavior

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Komi had been going to UA for a week now, and she was almost 100% sure no one knew her name. A maximum of three people have spoken to her, not including her brother. It as the boy with the spikey hair on the first day, she knew his name was Bakugo. A girl with pink skin said her hair looked nice and Komi didn't know how to respond so she just nodded her head and quickly sat down. Then it was a boy in glasses, saying that she shouldn't run in the halls incase she trips over.

Today would mark the fourth and fifth. When Komi was walking up the school entrance, using her hands to cover the back of her skirt, she couldn't help but have that feeling of being watched. When she turned around, the girl nearly jumped out of her skin to see a boy with purple balls as hair, looking up her skirt. 

"Walk up the stairs one more time for me!" He was a short boy, but he was within Komi's arm distance, so when she slapped the boy in the face, a perfect red mark appeared, and he body fell to the floor.

"What happened?" Shoto asked, after hearing the slap. Komi dusted off her hand before looking to her brother.

"Either you or me are gonna fight him soon." She said, fixing her hair and walking away from the perv. Komi may be nice, but only to those who deserve it.

The fifth person to talk to her, had a better reason as to why. Shoto, even though was walking with Komi to 1A, arrived in his seat before the girl. Now, this was starting to become a completion with the two, seeing who could get to their seats before the other. Komi ignored the cold feeling in the back of her neck and as she was rushing to her seat, despite her brother already in his, she didn't see the pencil case coming flying to her face.

"Ah! I'm so sorry!" A frantic voice started to yell. As Komi held the pencil case that assaulted her in her hands, she saw that a boy with green curly hair moving his arms around and an uncomfortable expression on his face. "I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry!"

"...Oh!" Komi blinked, realsing she was still holding the penicil case and just looking at the boy with a bland expression. "It's fine, really."

"I'm sorry." He was still apologizing, and even took a bow. As Komi held out the pencil case for him to take him, he noticed the black exoskeleton on her skin and his eyes lit up. "Woah, your hands are pretty cool."

Komi retracked her hands, hiding them behind her back, "Thank you." She nodded slightly with a sheepish expression and returned to her seat in a rush.

The boy watched her return, and a guilty feeling washed over his body. He walked up to the girl again. "I-I didn't mean to offended you, I really do think your hands are cool. It reminds me of spiders!"

Komi blinked and side-eyed her brother who wasn't paying attention at all. Slowly she took her hands from behind her back and placed them on the table.
"They are like spiders." She says, looking at them with little to no emotion. "It's an exoskeleton..."

"Really?!" From nowhere he grabbed a burnt looking book. "How do they work? Is it like a part from your quirk or a side-effect?"

"'s a -it's a part of my quirk." Komi's eyes flicked from him to his frantic writing in his book.

"What does it do? Does it protect you from harsh attacks, give you extra strength, how much is it to a spider- Actually, what is your quirk? I've been doing research on everyone, but I haven't got to you yet, or the boy you hang around. Are you familiar with him? You don't look related, so I'm guessing you knew him in Middle School, but I'm pretty sure he's the Pro-Hero Endeavour's kid, so that only leads me to think you met at the recommendations exam since you went there was well. What was the exam like? Did you fight robots or was it something else?"

Komi's eyes widened at the speed of his talking, and how fast he was talking. He didn't even take a single breath within the words, and he was still going. Komi's eyes shifted to the floor, if he fell from lack of oxygen, it would be a rough landing.

At the sound of the door opening, the boy had darted back to his desk. Aizawa was walking in, this time without sliding on the ground, but instead, walking with the unexpected leg parts of the yellow sleeping bag.

"You all need to work on the timing you have. It was 3 seconds now, so at least you're getting better." He said. "Alright, let's do attendance."

The day was already off to a bore for Komi. At lunch, she couldn't find anything she'd think she would like, so she went with the apple that looked fake. As she walked over to find where Shoto had taken his soba and sat down.
It was a sea of people that surrounded the cafeteria. Komi had bumped into serval people already.

"Oi!" A voice sounded from behind her, but Komi didn't turn around, unsure if it was her who was being yelled at. "Hey! I'm talking to you!"

Ok, maybe they are talking to me.

Komi tilted her head around slightly to see the Bakugo boy with a demeaning look on his face.
"Your in my way." He said with a low threatening voice.

Komi looked around her, seeing multiple ways to go around her. When she looked back to the boy, he only seemed to have a more angry look on his face.
"Then...go around me?" She said, confused.

"Move, extra." This boy had the audacity to stand his whole ass hand on Komi's head to move her body. He wasn't gently in the slightest.

"Who has the stick up his ass now." Komi scoffed, turning back to the crowd of people. When the cold feeling on her neck upraise, instead of discarding it, she listened to what it was saying. In a swift movement, she jerked her head to the side, watching as a tray of food went flying past her head. "In the name of-"

"The fuck you say to me?" Bakugo had returned, and held Komi's collar in his fist. 

Not one to back down from a fight, Komi stared right into that fuckers eyes. "I said 'who has the stick up his ass now?'" Komi said it slowly, just in case he was hard of hearing.

"Whatchu eavesdropping on other people's conversation for?" He growled. Komi blinked, raising an eyebrow. 

"You were yelling, it was hard not to." Komi took a grip on his hand, pulling it off with ease and watching his face grow shocked, confused and mad all at the same time. "Now, excuse me, but I would like to leave your presence."

Komi left him with his hand and walk away, sliding through the seas of people until she caught sight of her brother. He was mid-talking to a girl while shaking his head. Komi didn't see much, but she saw the disappointed look on her face as the girl walked away.
Komi sat herself down across from her brother. He looked up with a very bland facial expression before speaking to her.

"Your hair is messy." He said, slurping on his soba.

Komi raised her eyebrows, leaning back. "Who hurt you today?"

"What? I wasn't harmed today? What are you talking about?" Shoto took on his brain dead side. Komi sighed, resting her head down on the table. Her brother was a dense idiot.

Komi heard very loud giggling, followed by sounds of shushing. Komi didn't care at first, but she couldn't help but think they were talking about her. Just out of curiosity, Komi lifted her head up and looked towards the direction of the laughter. A group of girls were staring dead straight at Komi, giving her a bit of a shock.

The girls quickly pushed each other back, giggling even more. They retreated from Komi sight, leaving her confused, and now more insecure.
She moved her hands to below her desk, and the apple uneaten on the table.

I thought people would be nice, considering this is a hero school... 
Komi didn't have a great day.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now