chapter 30 - gotta lock in

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The 3 days of written exams eventually had to come around. And there was math in each one of them...
Komi stay persistent, answering the ones she knew first and then later coming back for the ones she didn't know. Thank god Whisker-Graphs were some of the first ones because those were easy enough to do.

5(3a + 11)

Komi paused... this was easy, but her brain wasn't logging on... she had to go back to the basics and teach it to herself once more

5 times 3 equals 15 and with the 'a' it's now '15a'. There is also a plus sign so that automatically goes there, now 5 times 11 is 55.
Komi scribbled down the answer of 15a + 55.

The rest of the algebra then followed through and Komi managed to answer each of the questions. At one point when there was the probability area of the exam and it asked about what percentage was a certain factor Komi genuinely felt tears in her eyes.

Then came around the time that Komi could no longer do math and her brain was fried. She was on the last answer, it was the last day and there was 5 minutes left. Komi had to have this one in the bag, she had to put something down then she would have the whole work sheet finished...

It didn't even have anything above it, it was all on it's own. All by it's lonesome self like it deserved because math was still trying to find it's (e)x.
Get it? Math joke?

Jesus, Komi was really losing it now...

Komi locked in once again, staring at the question like she was running out of time, because she was... wasn't there a song like that? Hamilton? Yeah, its was like, how do you write like you're running out of time and...every second you're alive? It went by something like that.
Speaking of Hamilton, Lin Manuel Miranda? Absolute goat of a man, the real deal. He is literally everywhe-

...How is this relevant right now?

Komi glared at the sheet of paper, careful to not grip her pen too hard or it might snap.

3(Y + 2) + Y = -14

Komi can do this...please....

Komi took the first part of the question, which was 3 times y making 3y. With the plus, it makes a positive, so it's now 3Y + 6 + Y= -14

The Y was next added to the 3Y, now making a 4Y.

4Y + 6 = -14 could not be the next answer so Komi carried on.
Ignoring the 4Y for now, Komi moved to the 6 = -14. She took away the 6 from both of them, creating the new equation of:

4y = -20
She almost dropped out there because she almost forgot that the -14 meant you go backwards as it was a negative number.

Komi then divided 4 from both numbers and she was left with her holy grail

Y = -5

"Alright, put you're pens down, you're finished with the tests."
Before handing the test paper off, Komi checked the make sure that there wasn't a back page she completely missed. Thankfully, there wasn't.

Now, fighting the robots could begin...

"You'll be fighting us." He said.

Komi overheard from many, many loud conversations in the cafeteria that the final exams was meant to be like the test from the Entrance Exam. Of course, Komi attended a different exam, but the Entrance Exam for everyone else was filled with robots like from the Sports Festival.

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