chapter 17 - the hero killer motives

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Komi was up in the air, flying 20 feet easily due to the abilities of her quirk. She had her eyes set on the Hero Killer, and now the sword wielding man could easily see Komi's advancements.
He first threw a knife that Komi dodged, so a reasonable idea was to next stab her with his sword.

Only, Komi wasn't like Midoriya, or Iida, or Shoto. Her body was designed different, built with another idea in mind. So when the sword started to pierce it's way through the air, it could not pierce through Komi's hand once she grabbed it.
The actual metal of sword was the thing that got damaged. Komi squeezed her hand, and the middle of the sword broke without a single scratch occurring to Komi.

The exoskeleton on Komi's hands were built in mind to withstand bullets. They could not get frost bite and no amount of fire power had proven to melt them. Komi's exoskeleton had not yet been broken.

The Hero Killer jumped back, assessing the new update on his blade. Grumbling something under his breath, he threw the blade to the side and just got a new one.
Suddenly, Midoriya shot into the sky and gave the Hero Killer a nasty kick.

"Midoriya!" Komi yelled out, slightly shocked that she both didn't sense him moving and also the fact that he was able to move once again.

"I'm not sure why! But I'm able to move again!" Midoriya, thank you very much, not sure how I'd do it without you.

"So he has a time limit?"

"No, if that were the case then that kid should've been last to be free. I still can't move a muscle." The Pro hero on the ground muttered. His body was twitching every so slightly, but it wasn't enough for him to do any fighting anytime soon.

"Midoriya! Dodge!" Shoto yelled at the green haired boy as he sent out a row of ice to push the Hero Killer further back.

Midoriya jumped through the air a lot more skillfully than whatever he had down during the Sports Festival. Clearly whoever he had interned with had taught him something very useful in the last two days. 

"He swallows a person's blood to freeze them, but I was the first one freed." Midoriya coughed for a moment as he returned to Shoto's side. Komi jogged backwards until she was on the other side of him. "I've got three different guesses why..."

"His quirk could be less effective the more people he uses it on. The amount ingested could play into how long he can control a person, or there's a difference based on the blood type of a person."

"If it's the last one, my blood type is B." The Pro Hero muttered.

"I'm type A." Iida added in his own information.

Komi panicked for a moment, because all she knew about her blood type was that it was red.

"So, you figured it out..." The Hero Killer smiled and Komi didn't move her eyes off him. "Bravo. Very Impressive."
He didn't look so pleased to say that.

"I don't know if it helps all that much to know how his quirk works." Komi said, voicing her opinion. "And carrying these two out aren't going to work. He's too fast and he's dodging Shoto's ice to leave him unguarded...He have to keep him here and wait for the pros to arrive."

"Todoroki, you've lost too much blood. I'll distract him while you support me from behind." Midoriya came up with a plan and he started to glow for a second before looking to Komi. "Can you back me up?"

"Of course." Komi nodded her head.

"You want us to take a pretty big risk." Shoto says, glancing from Midoriya to Komi to the Hero Killer. "...Alright then."

"We can protect them!"

"Three against one, huh? This fight won't be easy..." The Hero Killer instantly got into a stance and Komi waited until everyone was ready to begin.

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