chapter 21 - i am woman, hear me roar

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Komi took off her shoes and started to make her way towards her room. She didn't bother taking one of Endeavour's shoes when she passed them because they were his hero shoes. Komi had boundaries, she wasn't going to make him any less of a hero than she could make him any less of a man...

Why were his shoes here?

Komi glanced back towards the shoe pile, spotting Endeavour's shoes for all they were. Two shoes, one left foot and one right foot lain perfectly straight from where they were. His hero costume shoes.

The cold feeling in her neck felt normal now that she knew why it was there: Endeavour was home...Enji Todoroki was here.

The only way to her room was passing by the training room. The training room where she spent most of her childhood apologizing for her quirk and fighting Shoto until the day came when they no longer were sparring partners, but siblings instead. They were both around 10 or 11 when that happened. After years of knowing each other, years of fighting each other and years of whatever Enji Todoroki wanted to inflict upon them, it took until they were in their tweens until they became siblings.

Sometimes, Komi wonders if Fuyumi or Natsuo would ever be like that. Like one day, it would just click and things might start falling into place. Fuyumi was kind, and she said it many times that Komi was family -but it didn't feel right. Komi wanted it to feel right, but she couldn't force the feeling onto herself. Natsuo would take time if that were to ever happen. Komi barely ever sees him now that he's in college, but his anger and hatred towards Endeavour wasn't something that went unseen.

It was actually Natsuo that first stole one of Endeavour's shoes and hid them, Komi just carried on with it because she found it comforting in a way. Sometimes, when Komi is doing the odd jobs around the house, she finds a shoe she hid months ago in the cabinets because Endeavour has lost the willpower to turn the whole house upside down for one shoes. Endeavour had to have bought thousands in shoes right now, and Komi was living for it.

But, nonetheless, Komi had more important things to think about than where she was going to hide Endeavour's next pair of shoes.
Sticking herself to the wall, Komi climbed around the shoji door of the training room. Her hair still obeyed the laws of gravity, so it went towards the pull -despite Komi's ability to stick to walls and ceilings. She made sure to grab her hair or at least keep it away from the open door while maneuvering around it.

She couldn't explain it -Why Endeavour was here. He was always out working late on Thursdays -he usually came home midday Fridays and then left again. This had to be the first time in his life that he was home on a Thursday, and it just had to be a day that Komi was working.

After successfully going around the entrance of the training room. She knew that someone was in there, Komi didn't doubt herself that. But she wished she looked inside. She should've peaked when she was walking up the stairs to her room. Komi wished she knew who was inside the training room. She should've glanced inside her own room before opening the door and walking inside.

Komi wished she knew it was actually Shoto in the training room. He would've warned her. He was going to. Shoto kept the door open so that when she walked passed, he could warn her. But Shoto stood waiting for Komi, unaware of what was going on.

Endeavour was in the training room. He was in Komi's room.

"You!" He yelled and Komi froze in the middle of her doorway, her neck spiking ice cold. "Where have you been?!"


"I come home and find my son training alone! You are nowhere to be found and-" Enji cut himself short when he caught sight of what Komi was wearing. Her stupid waitress uniform. The clothing that gave it all away. "What are you wearing?"

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now