chapter 7 - admiring or jealously

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Morning arrived, no matter how much Komi didn't want to sun to rise. The height of the ceiling and where she was placed in her hammock made it perfect for the sun to just miss the girl so she wouldn't have sun beaming through her window when she wakes.
However, the alarm in her room did wake her up. The beeps that slowly got faster constantly annoyed Komi, and as it was a common sound, she'd trigger each time she'd hear it. For no real reason at all, the alarm made her blood boil.

Komi wasn't a morning person.

Shoto and her were silent on the way to school. Shoto would scroll through some hero feed on his phone, but Komi just liked to look out the window. Everyday on the way to school, it was the same scenery. The same buildings and the same trees.
She had a phone that the girl was practically married to, but in the morning, she just enjoyed to look out the train window and observe.

At the last train stop, Komi and Shoto got off, the duel-haired boy stopping for a drink at a fast-food store. He was kind enough to buy Komi one as well.
Komi put the drink in her bag, deciding to drink it later on. Shoto had taken his time picking her drink, as there was certain things that would mess with Komi's quirk if she had something too fizzy. Sparkling water and Sprite were her biggest enemies.

As the gates of the school came into view, Komi prepared herself mentally. The best classes were at the end of the day, but she still had to make it through the morning.
However, Komi had bad luck on Mondays. And those girls appeared out of thin air.

"Oh my gosh!" One of them spoke in English as they ran up to Komi and Shoto. "No way, we totally go to the same school!"

"Um, yeah." Shoto didn't really know what to say, but he kept on walking through.

"And you!" She turned around and looked you up and down, a certain look in her eyes. "I'm Asami, nice you, I guess."

"Cute bag." Another said.

"Who are you?" Komi tried to ignore them. It wasn't clear to Komi what exactly they were doing, but the girl didn't like it.

"Yeah, okay- Anyway!" Asami smiled at Shoto. "I'm in General Studies, first year, so we don't have many classes that cross over, but we should totally hang out!"

"I'm good. I have homework." Shoto declined, and the girl sweat dropped.

"Oh, well, okay! See you around!" She waved to him before she turned to her followers. It was clear she was the leader of her group.

Shoto and Komi watched as the girls crowded around each other, whispering to each other, looking over their shoulder-s at Komi and Shoto and talking again. The two siblings shared a look.

"They're..." Shoto tried to find a word to describe them as he walked through he gates if UA. "Loud."

Komi raised her eyebrows, a look on her face as she coughed into her hand. "Understatement."

Komi didn't really know what to do as she walked into the class and tried to close the door behind her. It was quiet and reserved in the class. Peaceful conversations, the two siblings walked in, and everything seemed perfectly fine.
However, Komi judged her strength too little and as she closed the door, she took the handle right off it.

And Komi had no idea what to do. Three screw and a roll of metal had fallen on the ground, eyes were on her and Shoto had turned around to see what the noise was.

Komi looked at the handle in her hand, the bell was going to go off soon and Aizawa would show up. Komi then kicked the screw and roll on the floor towards her seat of the classroom and used her webs to stick the handle back on the door.
She spun on her heel and walked towards her desk, picking up the stuff she kicked and putting it in the front pocket of her bag. She wasn't keeping the stuff, but rather holding on to it so she wouldn't cause a ruckus in the morning.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now