chapter 23 - hero costume law

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There was 4 more rounds of playing hero, villain and hostage before this special guest showed up. It was a woman in corporate clothing, long brown hair in a tight ponytail and she also had a fringe. Her fringe looked so good, it almost made Komi want one.

She had glasses like Iida and she was tall. Like really tall, she was at least a head over Aizawa, and that guy was 6 foot.

"Class, this is Koryu Iyana, she's came all the way from Tokyo to help with today's lesson plan." Aizawa introduces the tall woman before gesturing for her to take the stage.

There was a brief moment where Iyana probably thanked Aizawa before she stepped forward and looked to the class. She studied the hero costumes for a moment before smiling and showing some of them pearly whites. "Good morning, or no, it's probably afternoon now...sorry, anyway, I'd just like to say thank you for giving me your attention today."

"And I'd like to say thank you for your figur-" Tsu slapped the back of Mineta's head before the little thing could continue.

"Right... I'm unsure if Mr. Aizawa has informed you, but today you'll be practicing unfamiliar environments through an obstacle course." Iyana placed her hands in front of her as she made sure to look everyone in the eye individually. "I work for a hero costume design company in Tokyo. My quirk allows me to make altercations to any kind of fabric to have it fit anything."

Slowly, Komi pieced two and two together. And the moment those pieces clicked, her smile dropped and she wanted to pull a sicky to get out of this class before it was too late. For some others around her, there was very similar reactions.

"Exactly." Aizawa pipped up, like he could read the classes minds. "You'll be running an obstacle course in each other's hero costumes."
All Komi wished for was to not get Hagekure's. The girl was lovely, but that hero costume could only suit her. Komi was praying on getting anyone else's.

"It won't be a problem to change them back to normal after this lesson, and if any damage is done in the process, a new costume will be supplied to you as per usual." Iyana explained before stepping to the side and showing a very suddenly appeared room on wheels. "I'll need your costumes and to take your measurements before we continue -but I've needed to explain this to previous classes, please do not take off all your clothes."

Komi didn't even want to take off her hero costume as it was, it was just starting to get to the perfect temperature.

Through alphabetical order, the highly baiting breath moment commenced. Komi and the rest of the class wore the sports uniform until the peers hero costume would be chosen. When Aoyama walked out in Sero's costume. It was certainly a sight for the class to see.
Mina bounced in next and walked out slowly in Iida's costume, clearly not thinking highly of her attire.

Tsu walked in and walked out in Midoriya's hero costume, so the changes were zero to none with her.

However, the first change to make the class crack up in spills of laughter was Bakugo walking out in Mina's skintight costume. Kirishima and Denki fell to the floor, supporting each other while Mina lectured him on 'how to wear the costume'.
Relief was written off Komi's face and the remaining few when Mineta walked out in Hagekure's costume, clearly hiding the underwear he had on.

When it was Komi's turn to get her look chosen for her, she walked in not sure of what to expected.

"Hi, Shizuki, right?" Iyana ticked off something on a clipboard and was now looking through a list of remaining costume to torture Komi with. "Just put your uniform in the locker assigned with your name."

Komi was never more thankful than this moment to have been wearing some grandmother boxers instead of normal underwear. The sports bra covered enough, so there wasn't much on for Komi to worry about.
Iyana quickly took Komi's measurements and then sent her into the changing room, saying the costume will be brought to her in a minute.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now