chapter 27 - the grey area

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Komi knew she couldn't wait any longer. She couldn't see Shoto anymore, and these guys were all just making fun of her and Shoji for no reason.

Komi tugged, feeling her shoulders pop and crack as she pulled.

Komi strained as she tried her damnest to get where she needed to be.

Komi felt an undying urge to protect.

Komi had to get out of this concrete block. Komi had to help Shoto. And where the fuck were the stupid, stupid teachers?
Komi felt the panic in her soul like it was a disease. Like it was poison infecting her blood. Komi felt it all and yet she felt nothing at all.

Komi tugged and pushed against the wall again, no longer care for after affects of what might happen to her. It wasn't just the hairs on the back of her neck anymore, it was the hairs along her arm, her leg, her stomach and face. Every fiber of her being was sticking up on edge.

Komi had to move. Why wasn't she moving?
Komi felt like she was moving like a hurricane tenfold, but was also frozen. Why was she frozen? Could she not see the deep trouble her brother was in. Why was she frozen? Was it because she was scared? Angry?

Komi only ever remembers freezing in fear and in rage. And always was it with Endeavour. Always did Komi freeze for the loud, angry man who raised her in a loud angry house. Komi often felt like a ghost in that house, in the loud angry house.

But Komi could no longer afford to be the ghost in the loud, angry house. She had to be the loud, angry man in the loud, angry house. And Komi also had to be the house. Komi had to be.

Komi was bleeding and out of the wall before she knew what she did. She never liked the part of her quirk that allowed her to have two more limbs. It had her less human, more heteromorph, more a freak.
It was ugly and weird and all things strange. All things Komi wished she need not to be.

But as of right now, Komi lost the power to care. Komi lost the battle and let the ugly roam, she let the weird free and she let the strange be. Komi was the ugly, the weird and the strange. Komi was human and everything but.

Komi was angry. And she would let them know she was angry.

The first man was Obe. It was a simple punch that sent him to the wall. If he was lucky, it was just a few broken ribs. Obe stated he did not want to be here, and for that, Komi would go easy on him. She'd take him out first, let it be over with quickly.

Komi did not pull her punches for the other 3 men that stood around. Komi was not legally allowed to use her quirk on these men. But there was a grey area.
Komi's quirk was physical, there were was no way she could just turn it off. And with her quirk, Komi was inhumanly strong. And without her quirk, Komi was still considered one fit and muscular son of a bitch.

So when Komi punched the first man, she didn't stop to marvel at how fast and how hard he was blown into the wall. She moved on to fight the next one. One ran away, and the third was stuck trying to figure out what to do.
That third man decided to run, but Komi didn't run after them. They'd get caught.

Komi went to the alleyway that the man took Shoto into.
The black haired girl was glad she didn't dawdle or take her sweet time. The gross excuse of a man was only just finished taking Shoto's belt off. Komi hated that man. Her blood burn and her spine crack with hate.

Komi grabbed the trashcan lid and threw it at him, hitting him square in the face as she heard some sort of commotion behind her. Komi ignored the noise because she simply didn't care. The disgusting man held his now broken and bleeding nose.

He said something to Komi, most likely an insult and he spat at her. Komi didn't care. She didn't care what this man tried to do, what he wanted to do. Komi didn't care and there was no easier way to put it.

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