chapter 14 - haircut season

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Komi missed another one of her brother's matches, but this time it was a genuinely important one. It was Shoto versus Bakugo and thanks to an impromptu haircut last minute, Komi had to stay in Recovery Girl's office.
The fight was announced over and so Komi just stayed in the room, looking at the mirror as she tried to fix her hair and face at the same time.

Komi's hair was one thing she was always so particular about. It hid her face, made people a little less scared of her. Komi liked her hair long and Bakugo had no business to think he was high and mighty enough to blow if off. 
Then again, Komi had no business biting him like she did.

With the mirror stationed in front of her, Komi tugged on her hair as she tried to pull it over her eyes. She contemplated cutting some bangs to grow over her eyes, but then there would be the hassle of looking after bangs and Komi didn't want to deal with that.
And now the side of her hair was doing this stupid cowlick and christ, Komi hated her hair.

And Komi felt like she was complaining so much, but how was she to not? Everything was just throwing rocks at Komi today, and for what? Because she enjoyed the Sports Festival? Was that really so bad?

Was Komi doomed to never have a good day? Did it just always have to be such an unlucky life for her?

"Young Shizuki!" All Might chuckled as he held the 3rd place medal in his hands. Komi's 3rd place medal. Because Komi was on the podium after nearly winning the festival. "Congratulations."

The girl bowed her head as All Might placed the medal over her shoulders. From the cheers and actually crying from the crowd, it was easy to tell who they were cheering for. All Might was the symbol of peace, an international icon and the #1 hero.

But to Komi, he was just a man she was conditioned to hate.

"You showed some amazing skills out there, don't be afraid to use your quirk. Just because it may be scary doesn't mean that it's bad." Komi tried not to say anything. Komi wasn't afraid of her quirk. Not really, she was just afraid of what others would think about her because of her quirk.

All Might actually went to hug Komi and with the amount of surprise that took over her body over the simple gesture that was only meant as a kind show of congratulations, Komi stepped back and stuck out her hand instead.
All Might was around the same size, build and height as Endeavour and Komi got frightened for a moment, despite for the fact that it was clear as day and Komi knew it was just All Might.

"And don't worry about young Bakugo, I'm sure he meant no harm with your hair." All Might squeezed Komi's hand as he shook it and now Komi was worried it was worse than it was because why else would All Might word it like that?

Was Komi stuck with a terrible haircut that showed too much of her face than she preferred? Whatever the answer was, she was left alone to question it as All Might moved on to her brother to give him his medal.

The green eyed girl glanced down at the bronze circle decorated around her neck and she couldn't help but feel like she didn't deserve it. What had she actually done? She bit someone, directed her anger on someone else and threw people around like ragdolls. That wasn't any signs of heroism, it sounded like the exact opposite.

Going back to the Todoroki house was the last thing Komi wanted to do. Fuyumi was at the door, congratulating both teens on their wins and complimenting Komi's new hair. But Komi wasn't sure if it was a real one or a pity compliment because Fuyumi would never be strong enough to tell Komi her hair looks like shit.

And when going to rest inside her room, Komi found Endeavour standing in the door way, raging ball of fire like always, Komi wanted to go somewhere else. Anywhere else.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now