chapter 26 - a girl like you

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"Today's exercise is simple." Aizawa said and seconds later the class went quiet in order to listen to him.

"It'll a rescue mission. Each of you will have teams that you'll be competing with to rescue a live person. It's going to be different than a dummy, and you will be marked on this. I'll be picking names out of a lot to determine the live rescues and like wise for the group you'll be competing."

There was probably something the universe had against Komi that made it pick her for the first round.
The group competing to 'save' her would consist of Kirishima, Tokoyami, Uraraka, Sero, Jiro, and Aoyama. It was a pretty solid team, but Komi couldn't say much to them before she had to off to 'hide' where the robot was taking her.

Komi's character was supposed to be a middle aged woman who broke her legs. Everything else that the robot told her about the character didn't really seem to matter. Who was knowing that the character like to go play chess on Tuesdays was going to help at all.

Komi sat down and really just waited for someone to show it. It was quite boring, actually. Being a person in distress wasn't very exciting. Komi got to the point of boredom where in she started blowing spit bubbles and making popping noises with her mouth.

"Ko- I mean...innocent civilian in harms way?" There was a voice and a use for a creative flare of word choices.

"Oh no! It is, a poor middle aged woman with um...hang on- oh! With two broken legs! Whatever will I do?" Komi was no enthusiastic about this at all. "I hope a hero is nearby, because that would be neat and then this will be done and over with...loud sigh?"

"Two broken legs?" Tokoyami asked as Dark Shadow kindly moved a few bits of random whateverness away.

Komi shrugged, feeling a little embarrassed. "It's what the robot said."

"She plays chess on Tuesdays and enjoys blackberry jam, not strawberry." The robot informed, as it was really just laying around.

Tokoyami must've decided to ignore it as he marched over to Komi and easily picked her up in full 'walking down the isle with my brand new wife' kinda style. 

"Oh wow." Komi faltered for a moment, not expecting it at all.

"Try not to move to much...civilian." Tokoyami added in that last bit as he looked to Dark Shadow who was unnervingly gushy. "Dark Shadow, let's go."

What Komi did not expect next was for Dark to wrap itself around Tokoyami and shoot off into the air, Komi in Tokoyami's arms. Out of shock for the sudden action, Komi clung onto Tokoyami but quickly let him go as she didn't want him to turn into the same thing the door handle turned into.

"Promise not to drop me?" Komi gave a wide, toothy smile as she glanced down to the very far gap of air and ground.

"Only a fool would drop a girl like you." Tokoyami said, a bitter and yet assertive tone in his voice.

Whatever that was, it worked in shutting Komi up as she zipped her mouth closed and slowly turned to peek at Tokoyami. Whether he was playing the part of a hero or not, Komi wasn't sure how to react.

When Komi was placed back on the ground again and was in the makeshift 'rescue' point, the buzzer sounded off and Tokoyami won round 2. The first winner was Midoriya in round 1, although he only just beat Mina.

Komi was apart of round three, only this time -and thank god- this time she was playing hero along with Momo, Denki, Tsu, Koda and Shoji. And this time, Shoto was playing the helpless victim.

Only if Komi knew how much of a victim Shoto would turn into during the lesson.

The buzzer sounded, and Komi was off, shooting her webs to the ceilings of the city-like landscape. This round was meant to be a missing persons case and only 30 seconds in did Komi get the cold feeling the back of her neck.
Like other times, it wasn't spiking, but it was just there meaning there was something about.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now