chapter 13 - bakugo verses komi

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Komi stood in her spot, waiting as it was for Bakugo to make the first move. She was in her normal stance, ready to fight, but waiting for the sign to do so.
Bakugo didn't move from across the way, waiting and watching Komi through his eyelashes as he glared down on her.

"Hello?" Mic questions as no one moved. "I said 'start', does that mean anything to you guys? Jeez..."

All Komi did was blink, and maybe that was enough for Bakugo to start sending himself down the block, right towards Komi as he used his quirk for speed.
Komi straightened her back and pushed her elbows out as she set out a string of webs from her wrists that landed just before the white sides on the other side. She gripped the strings and flung herself forward, her feet first.

Bakugo didn't have time to dodge the attack to his stomach. Less than a second later, Bakugo had fallen on the ground half standing up and you were on the other side staring back at him.

A hushed silence fell over the crowd.

"I..." Even Present Mic seemed speechless which was- "Shizuki totally just knocked Bakugo down! What a shock, you go girl!!"

From up in the stands, Shoto's hand found it way to his lower chest. He remembered the feeling of when Komi did the to him and she accidentally broke two of his ribs. She cried to him in the hospital and promised to never do it again. They were 10 at the time.

Komi jumped off Bakugo and created a distance between them, but not without kicking his chin with her foot. It was a dirty move, but wasn't like Komi could go back in time and fix it.

"About time!" Bakugo's devil face showed once more as he hunched over his back as he stood up, a devious expression on his face. "I'm going to kill you."
Komi didn't say anything in reply as she leant down again, her hair falling beside her face. She used her hand and flicked it out of the way. Maybe having a hair tie would've been a good idea.

Bakugo decided to run this time, his right hand going backwards. He was about to do a right hook with his quirk. Komi dropped to the ground, extending one of her legs as she swiped it around, knocking Bakugo off his balance.
As quickly as it happened, Bakugo used his quirk to set himself balanced and he grabbed the collar of Komi's sport uniform. He forcefully shoved her down and then kneed her in her lower stomach, before stretching the palm of his hand in front of her face and exploding it.

"Oh!" Present Mic groaned as if it happened to him. "And Bakugo gives back the heat! Quite literally!"

She ignored the few thick strands of hair that fell down in her way and she shakes her head, shaking the pain away as she widens her eyes a small bit and tilts her head down. In a way, it allows her to see better, as if it somehow amplifies her vision. Swinging her legs around wildly, Komi frees one of them and with a brute force, she kicks him right in the groin.

Yelping and flinching, Bakugo loosens his grip on Komi. With the advantage she now has, Komi propelled herself up and nearly just about climbing up the ash blond. Using her weight, Komi leaned forward, making Bakugo fall to the ground before he used his quirk and shot back up.

With Komi still on his back and with the ash blond circling around in the air to shake her off, even he could see the black strands of long hair as they whipped around his own face, stinging his cheeks and eyes ever so slightly.

"Get off, webs!" Bakugo growled. Webs...that was the new nickname he called her. Komi noticed he often called people, not by their names, but as aspects of that person...or maybe he couldn't remember Komi's name.

But Komi wasn't going to focus on that. She had to focus on the fight at hand. Komi used her hand and she gripped the ash blond's hair, yanking it backwards as he slightly started to fall down for a moment.

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