chapter 11 - the hate in her heart

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Komi couldn't understand what she was doing wrong.
What words she couldn't say that Midoriya was able to, what actions and feelings he could provoke within a 10 minute frame.

Midoriya and Shoto were fighting, and to get the best view that she could, Komi was actually in the 1A stands, hands gripping the railing as she leaned over slightly.
Midoriya was yelling, Shoto was sending his ice and then Midoriya broke a finger or two.

The fight was raw, brutal and everything summed up to what Komi was never able to do. Because in the mist of the fight, fire started to brew in Shoto's left side. And Midoriya smiled.

Through the entire fight, there was nothing but pain caused to Midoriya by himself, and all of it was just so Shoto would use his whole power. His right and left side, the ice and the fire.
Shoto had burst into flames and was lighting up the block. He was using more fire than Komi has ever seen him power in her life.

Small dents in the railing were made as Komi clenched her fist. Through as many ways as she could, Komi had tried to show Shoto that he was his own person, but as time went on and Komi experienced the same shit that Shoto was shown to, her words were something more to herself than to him.
Komi had changed in the Todoroki house, and there was nothing but time that could truly tell what that change would be. And that's what Komi thought until Shoto used his whole quirk because Midoriya had pushed him too.

"Shoto!" A scream echoed out in joy and pride across the stadium. Komi didn't have to look to just know who it was. "Have you finally accepted yourself? That's it! Good!"
Komi couldn't think of a reason to not dislike him. He was loud. He was cruel. He was rude. He was abusive. He was such an asshole.

All Komi every did was exist, and it was his living wraith. Komi hated him. She hated him so much.

"It all starts here for you!" Endeavour yelled like it wasn't embarrassing to him. "With my blood, you will surpass me...You will fulfill my desire! You will live up to the reason I created you!"

Komi hated that man. Komi hated him, and hated him and hated him. He was always there, he was always ruining everything.

With her hairs pricking up on the back of her neck, Komi ignored it as she watched the high walls of concrete summon into the air the same time as Midnight's quirk was used. The hot steamy air propelled into the sky, sending Komi's hair violently back as it whipped and swayed in the wind.
Rubble was everywhere and the smoke of fire was slowly drifting off into the air.

Komi wasn't angry at Midoriya. Midoriya just did the thing she couldn't do, and it was for the greater cause. But Komi felt angry anyway. Komi felt like there was something wrong with her. There was always something wrong with her, that was something she knew. Something was horribly wrong with Komi and it was like everyone but her knew what that was.

When Komi saw the green haired boy on the wall of the stadium, well out of bounds, she pushed herself off the rails and started running to whatever the place was where she could remeet with Shoto.
He just used his fire. This wasn't a little thing going on, this was huge and while there was happiness in her heart, there was the anger for Endeavour and the guilt for not being able to prove to Shoto what Midoriya could.

But nonetheless, Komi ran to where she would meet Shoto. When she found him walking back inside from the entrance, she didn't slow her pace and instead she nearly tackled him in a hug before instantly shoving herself off.

"Christ, you're going to burn me." Komi chuckled slightly as the hair on the back of her neck stood up slightly. 

"Sorry." Shoto said, holding his left hand up to glance at it for a moment. Komi blinked and swallowed the disappoint she felt. She didn't know why she felt disappointed, this was all strange for her.

Suddenly, when Shoto stopped walking, and glared straight ahead at whatever was behind Komi, the girl spun around and her eyes met the most unwanted man in the world that she wanted to see.

"What? Not gonna tell me to get lost." Endeavour asked while Komi thought about how she wished she could tell him that. "You need to control your left side. It's dangerous to release that much energy like that. But I'm glad your finally seeing reason."

Endeavour opened his arms like a hug was about to come of him. Arms were met for hugging, that was something Komi always thought, but Endeavour's arms were not meant for hugging. He was the one exception. And that was saying something, because Komi was always in the mood for a good hug.

"Now that you've abandoned your childish rebellion, we can get back to what's important." Endeavour then dropped one of his arms. "After you graduate, you'll work by my side. I'll lead you down the path of the mighty, Shoto."

"I haven't abandoned anything." Shoto said calmly. "You're a fool to think my feelings can be so easily reversed. Instead...Out there... For that one moment...I forgot all about you."

Komi smiled. And not for the punch that it would've given Endeavour, but for the fact that Shoto was able to grow in this school. For the fact that UA wasn't like the Todoroki house. For the fact that he and her were almost free on these grounds.

"Whether that's good or bad, whether it's the right thing to do, I don't know." Shoto admitted honestly as he walked away from his father, but not his dad. "Maybe I don't need you."

When Shoto left the hallway, Komi was still standing where she was from when she realized Endeavour was in her presence.
When the burning man pointed at Komi, she tensed up out of habit. It was a stupid habit. She hated that. She hated it was a habit.

"You." He pointed to her. His fat finger, pointing it's disgusting being at Komi. Komi hated the man, she hated him so much. "He'll listen to you. Tell him that he is to understand what he was born to do. It's his dest-"

"No." Komi's tone was airy, but it was there. And it was loud enough for Endeavour hear. It didn't matter that Komi's fist was shaking behind her back. "I'm not going to manipulate him for your own selfish gains."

"You think you have any right to tell me what is best for my son?!" Endeavour's fire burned brighter as his voice got louder.

"Yes." Komi started at him. Her body tense and her fear so clearly showing. Endeavour was no hero to Komi. He hadn't been for a long time. Endeavour may be a pro-hero to the world as he opposed evil, but that did not make him a good person.

"He's not your pet. He's not your bitch." Komi nearly spat. Her heart was beating so fast, and she wasn't sure if it was for Shoto or for herself anymore. The ideas and the words were getting mixed up in another another. "He's your son, not your masterpiece... He never asked to be born to you, that doesn't make him your property."

"You've become rebellious too, I see." Endeavour scoffed, not hearing the words Komi was desperately trying to tell him. "Shoto is my son, and he'll understand one day. You are not my child. Say another word..."

Or what?

Komi wanted to know. She wanted to see his face when she said that. But the stinging in her eyes and the shaking of her fist were far too real for her to ever be able to do that. Komi didn't feel his kind of fear back at the USJ. The noirette knew she was afraid of Endeavour. She had been for a long time.

But the fact that she wanted to talk back to him, to backchat him, to stand up for herself was new. All of this was new. It had to be UA. It had to be the class, it had to be everything that has changed Komi ever since she enrolled.
And the change felt welcoming. Komi had needed this change for a long time, and she only knew it now. She loved UA, she loved it so much.

Komi loved UA.
And Komi hated Enji Todoroki.

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