chapter 18 - hospital dessert

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The way Komi thought she would be spending her 16th birthday was very different then from out it turned out. It was a picture perfect, sunny morning when Komi woke up in the hospital. May 13th, the third day of her internship and she was in a hospital gown.

She had to stay over night due to worry about any head trauma and also from her stitches in her shoulder. She found it hard to sleep, but she did manage to get some hours through. Sleeping in a bed was a lot different than sleeping in a hammock. It was so much more uncomfortable than what she was used to.

Komi wished she had her stupid orange blanket she nailed into wall and ceiling with her. That way, she probably would've gotten a good night's sleep.
But Komi was never one to complain.

"How'd you sleep last night?" Shoto asked everyone -as he, Komi, Iida and Midoriya shared a hospital room.

"Horizontally." Komi was never one to complain, but if someone asked she would.
Iida and Midoriya didn't have to get what Komi was saying, and they didn't. Shoto might've, but Komi didn't care either way.

Shoto nodded his head, so it was a 50/50 chance he knew what Komit meant. "What about you Midoriya? Did you get any sleep?"

"No, not really..." Midoriya sighed, massaging his leg that was all bandaged up.

"I figured. Me neither."

Midoriya moved his head and glanced upwards and he let out his train of thought. "Thinking about it now, we did some amazing, huh? Seeing an ending like that really makes you feel like it's a miracle we're alive...With my leg like this, he probably could've killed us if he wanted to."

The Hero Killer threw his knives with the intent to kill. Komi knew that during the battle, but it all felt so much more real now she was sitting here in hindsight.

"Yeah. We were obviously left alive on purpose." Todoroki looked at his bandaged arm, a sign that Komi saw as a way to show she wasn't fast enou- no, no more thinking like that. "You're amazing to have been able to face him, after all the murderous intent directed at you."
Todoroki looked towards Iida.

"No, that's not it." Iida admitted, looking down. "I..."

The door opened and the sound of it cut Iida off, Komi glanced towards the rolling door and saw two heros sticking their heads in. One of them was Gran Torino, the old man Midoriya was interning with, but there was another hero who Komi didn't know the man of. By her guess, it was probably Iida's intern hero.

"Oh, the injured youngins are awake." Gran Torino noted aloud while Komi saw the shadow of someone waiting outside.

"Gran Torino!" Midoriya was happy to see his mentor.
"Manual..." Iida wasn't so happy.

"Kid, I could yell at your for hours...." Gran Torino walked towards the green haired boy. "But before that, you've got a visitor."

A tall man with a dog face walked in with a solemn expression resting on his face. He wore a suit with a dog patterned tie and Komi guessed he was of some importance.
"Hosu's chief of police, Kenji Tsuagamae."

Komi moved to get herself off the bed to show some respect to him, and as side the other three in the room.

"No, no, please." Mr. Tsuagamae raised his hand. "You may all stay seated, woof."


"So, you are all the UA students who brought down the Hero Killer, huh?" Mr. Tsuagamae added. Komi now wondered what the chief of police was doing all the way out here. She could take a few guesses, one of them being the fact that the 'UA students who brought down the Hero Killer' were the same students to use their quirks in a slightly unlawful way.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now