chapter 24 - in a terrible fire

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"Listen up, I won't be explaining this again." The class went instantly silent as Aizawa used his quirk as his eyes went ref and his hair floated up. "Good. Today's exercise is going to be simple. Team making will be in your hands, so you can either work in pairs or by yourself. In the scenario, one team will be acting like the villain and the other will be acting like the villain. The villain has 4 hostages which will play as dummies and the villain can place them wherever they wish."

"The objective is to win, whether you're a hero or a villain!" All Might added, raising his finger. "Each round will have 15 minutes to complete or the villain automatically wins!"

"Get into your teams, you have two minutes."

When Aizawa released the class, Komi went to investigate in where Shoto was hiding out. And without a word, they were team-mates.

The other teams in the class were made of Sato and Mineta, Asui and Midoriya, Mina and Kirishima, Sero and Iida, Momo and Tokoyami, Denki and Jiro, Koda and Aoyama, Hagekure and Oijiro and finally Shoji and Uraraka.

What surprise was it that Bakugo decided to go on all by himself.

Aizawa went onto explain that those who were the villains would have to pin an magnet to their chest and each hero would have one magnetic sticker to stick together and the match would be over.

"And I want to make a point that you all have to participate." Aizawa added as he gave a very obvious look to Komi.

The last time there was match like this, Komi stayed behind to let Shoto get all the credit.
But as the lots were drawn for who would be playing each round, Komi felt like maybe the lot with her and Shoto on it was just not there, as everyone but them were being called.

Koda and Aoyama won over Jiro and Denki in the first match as Denki short circuited and Jiro was attacked by a swarm of mice and birds.

Momo and Tokoyami lost over to Iida and Sero as Iida really put his heart and soul into acting like a villain and Sero managed to wrap 70% of Momo's exposed skin in tape.
The rest of the matches went on, and finally, at the very end of everything, there wasn't any lost needed to be drawn as Shoto and Komi were left with Bakugo. Bakugo was poised as the villain, and now Komi was throwing the sticker in the air and catching it while she waited for the buzzer to go off and indicate that it was time to start the match.

"Any plans?" She asked Shoto in the meantime while she thought of her own.

"Scope out each floor without making noise. Knowing Bakugo, he'd want to make an entrance." Shoto suggests.

"We can avoid the basement then. All the tanks and pipes are down there. It's a bad place to fight, and with his kind of quirk, that's the last place he'd want to be." Komi added as Shoto nodded. With knowledge of last weeks exercise, Komi knew something into the inner minds of Bakugo.

It was a small plan, but a plan nonetheless. So when the buzzer sounded, both Komi and Shoto moved inside the building and avoided the basement.
Komi swept one half of the room while Shoto covered the other. And inside the 6 floors that the building has, surprise surprise that Bakugo was hanging out on the 5th floor.

"There." Komi whispered, pointing to the dummies who were shoved into a box and had their limbs sticking out.

"I don't think Bakugo knows how the human body works, head shouldn't be able to turn like that." Shoto says after he confirms where Komi was pointing.

"I don't think Bakugo cares, buddy." Komi says honestly.

"I'll go for Bakugo, you go to the...those." Shoto gestures his head towards the box of dummies and Komi nods her head.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now