chapter 20 - working nine to five

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Komi couldn't tell how she got into this moment. She stared at the woman looking over the menu and deciding what she wanted to take away while Komi couldn't do much but wait awkwardly.

Komi had gotten a job. A real life job that paid her.
She didn't know how it actually all happened so quickly, but it had only been a week and she was getting paid a decent wage.

She was walking home from the train station and passed a different route than the usual one. Shoto wanted to pick up some more soba so he could start making it himself and Komi just came with him. Along the way, Komi saw a 'help wanted' signed on a fancy looking restaurant.

Komi turned her head, as that was what the manager called her.

Now, Mrs. Yagami wasn't an old lady, but the memory and the vision of the woman proved otherwise. Mrs. Yagami had to be around her 50s. And Mrs. Yagami also couldn't deal with names for the living life of her. There had been a number of incorrect names that Komi had been called, but 'Choi' had seemed to be the one to stick.
However, 'Choi' wasn't even Japanese. It was Korean. And it was a last name.

But Choi would be who Komi would pretend to be while working for Mrs. Yagami as it was better than being thought to be Endeavour's extra child or a UA student. And so far, Komi miraculously managed to remain unnoticed while working at the restaurant.

Walking up to the woman as she sped through cutting up cucumbers, Komi wanted at the corner bench. "Yeah?"

"When this blonde lady orders, go set up a table for 3 at 8 o'clock, okay?" Mrs. Yagami asked as she easily finished the cucumbers and now moved on to the rolls of seaweed.
Mrs. Yagami made most of food herself, but her niece -who also worked at the restaurant did just about everything there was to do. Her name was Utahime, and she served the front of house, cooked and also washed the dishes out the back which was what she was currently doing.

"Okay." Komi nodded her head and quickly made her way back to the woman who was stamping her foot waiting for Komi to come back.

Working had made Komi realized who entitled some people are. But Komi would beg on her knees for a phone, and if Endeavour didn't want to buy one then Komi would. After putting her order through and telling the woman it would be a 20 minute wait, Komi grabbed some menu's and set up table 17 for 3 people.

It was currently 7:40pm and it was a Thursday night.
There had been a plan put out for Komi to work out when she can do her part time job without mixing with when Endeavour stays over.

Monday nights, Thursday nights, Saturday nights and half of Sunday were the days that Komi would be working. Every other day was for training and doing school work. Homework was something Komi could complete on the train ride home and usually the restaurant closed at around 9 or 10 depending on how many people are left and if Utahime or Mrs. Yagami was going to close or not.

With her only option of walking home, Komi could be home around 10:30 at the very latest. Getting in last minute works outs, exercises and stretching before (literally) climbing up to sleep was now becoming to norm to Komi's day to day life.
And in some ways, she enjoyed it. She actually loved working, it was great.

Yes, it can be embarrassing sometimes, but Komi was doing something normal and it was working out for her! AND! Big bonus was that almost 70% that walked in the doors didn't second guess the place for Komi's heteromorph features.
She actually found it that the richer looking people either wanted to let Komi know that they 'stood beside her' for being a half heteromorph or they would look her up and down in disgust.

But Komi didn't care for the latter of that. She decided weeks ago that she would make a better life for herself because she needed a change in her life. She needed it, if she were going to be the hero she wanted to be. And apparently secretly working in a four star restaurant was a really good way to go about that.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄 ❖ MY HERO ACADEMIAWhere stories live. Discover now