chapter 16 - endeavor agency

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It was almost pointless to take a train and then walk the rest of the way to UA only to take a bus to the train station where then on Shoto and Komi would take a train to Endeavour's agency. Komi was awake when Endeavour left this morning, there very well could've been a moment where he just drove her and Shoto to his agency.

But no, pay up to the economy y'all.

And the very first thing Komi and Shoto had to do when they got to Endeavour's agency was literally take yet another mode of transport. This time, it was to Hosu city, just to the west of Tokyo.

"Why would we go to Hosu?" Komi questioned as she mixed some wasabi in her lunch. Spice helps with her webs and keeps them stronger for longer -a reason Komi never knew why, by would abide by nonetheless.

"Haven't you seen the recent reports?" Shoto had just finished his Soba. His cold soba, which now probably meant this breath smelt awful, like it always did after he ate cold soba.

Komi gave her brother a look. "I haven't seen the recent anything, I don't have a phone and Endeavour doesn't let us watch TV a lot, so..."
That wasn't new news. Komi has never had a phone in her life and no real source of global or national news. The only way she was to get it was by a second source -meaning her brother, or what she heard from other people.

This just made doing assignments 10 times harder, but at least she couldn't be put down for plagiarism.

"The Hero Killer has been reported in Hosu." Shoto explained and Komi didn't really need a synopsis of who the 'Hero Killer' was. And from what she knew from overhearing Uraraka and Asui, was that this 'Hero Killer' had critically injured Iida's older brother.

"Didn't Iida go to Hosu?" Komi asked, swallowing her lunch.

"Midoriya was worried about him." Shoto said. Recently, Midoriya had been a rather popular topic to Shoto. And Komi couldn't blame him, he'd basically gave Shoto a whole new light on his quirk -something even Komi wasn't able to do.
And to Shoto, this was practically like having a first friend -that wasn't on purpose. Komi was his friend, but it wasn't the same.

Komi was his sister, and while Shoto loved his sister, it was nice to have friends who were your friends because they wanted to be. Not because you both grew abused by the same old man.

"Well, it's Iida. He's the class representative." And a sucker for rules, but Komi wasn't going to say that last part. "He won't go out of his way to...oh, well, actually..."
Iida may have been a sucker for rules, but he was very fixed on his sense of justice. And if his brother was hurt then Komi didn't know what he would do. She didn't even know him well enough to ask for his favorite colour.

Then again, Komi wasn't sure of her own favorite colour...

"Oh, you got a new hero costume." Komi muttered once she saw the blue suit Shoto had in his briefcase. He not longer had the white clothing that would later be covered in ice on his left side. Komi didn't know what else to be other than supportive once she saw what Shoto had chosen. It was certainly something to see.

But now, this blue suit looked a lot better than his fist design...actually, it kinda looked.

"It the one you first made, although I added this collar." Shoto pointed out. As briefly mentioned before, Komi heavily enjoyed fashion and was rather good with styling things. She'd probably be good at wearing them too if Endeavour had the heart to give her clothes other than old hand me downs.

And that's not to say that Fuyumi's and Rei's old clothes were bad, but Rei's were starting to get a bit dated since they were from almost two decades ago and Fuyumi had her teacher sense of style. Komi had her own style, only no one knew about that since her wardrobe said otherwise.

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