Preface & Important Info

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First off, thanks for bothering to read my story :)

This is my first story so I welcome feedback, criticism and corrections.

This story is something of a power fantasy. The vampires in my story draw from a mix of different sources. I am inspired mainly by the vampires of Vampire: The Masquerade and those from Elder Scrolls lore. The lore about vampires from Harry Potter is effectively retconned in this story.

Many details here will be passively explained in the story but I hate exoposition so here's some details that the characters will reference without necesarily explaining:

Wizarding World

Students start at Hogwarts at age 13 rather than 11.

This means:

1st years - 13/14

2nd years - 14/15

3rd years - 15/16

4th years - 16/17

5th years - 17/18

6th years - 18/19

7th years - 19/20

Wizards/Witches are considered 'of age' at 19.

State of Vampirekind

Vampires are stronger, the "purer" they are. The "purity" decreases dramatically each generation. The 13th generation is regarded as the last generation to still be a vampire. Those of the 14th or higher are regarded as "thin bloods" and are killed on sight.

The orginal vampire: Osiris. The ritual performed by Isis to resurrect him.

2nd Gen: Horus, Anubis, Isis, Seth, Nephthys.

Amy's sire and adoptive father is Anubis. Making her 3rd generation, the youngest by 800 years.

Osiris and most of the 2nd and 3rd gen vampires have been in a deep slumber for thousands of years. Anubis is the last to stay awake. It is rumoured that when they awaken, they will purge the "lesser" vampires and bring a new age for vampirekind.

The vampires that exist among mortals tend to be 7th generation or higher, although some 5th and 6th generation exist in the world too. The Court of Anubis is the largest collection of 4th-6th generation vampires. Hidden in the Alps, it is entirely unknown to the outside world. Only a nearby town of mortal cultists know of its existance.

"Purer" vampires tend to look down on the lesser.

Capabilities and Weaknesses

Vampires in this story are (usually) incapable of wizardry/witchcraft and instead have their own variation of magic. Amy is the first to perform both.

Vampires are immortal and do not age. A ritual can increase the age artificially, so don't worry, she won't be stuck as a small child.

Vampires can only be killed by the destruction of their soul. Spells/weapons exist to achieve this, the most well known being an enchanted stake. If the body is destroyed, the soul will attempt to flee to their tomb where it can regenerate. The sun can be lethal to vampires, depending on how fed they are, they may burst into flames, burn severely or simply be uncomfortable.

Vampires strengths depend on how fed they are. A well fed vampire is capable of higher magics, quicker and stronger movement, an ability to exist in the sun (although uncomfortably) and more clarity of mind. However, a starved vampire can lose control, allowing "The Inner Beast" to take over. They become frenzied and will kill even their closest friends in order to feed, in a frenzy they exist in their strongest form as they rapidly deplete their remaining reserves in order to feed.

3rd Generation vampires are the origins of new "bloodlines". Each bloodline has its own strengths and weaknesses.

(Shamelessly stolen from Vampire: The Masquerade) Honestly, don't bother memorising. it wont be relevent too much and, if it is, will be explained in the book. Only here for context:

Banu Haqim - Silent masters of assassination, killing for hire and collecting blood for rituals to bring them closer to their progenitor.

Brujah - Once philosopher-kings of an ancient civilization, but are now rebels and rogues with a fearsome inclination toward frenzy.

Gangrel - Bestial and untamed, often coming to resemble the animals over which they demonstrate mastery.

Hecata - An insular, extended family of vampires who practice the art of commanding the dead while commanding global finances.

Lasombra - Proud nobles who command the very essence of darkness and shadow — to the point of worshipping it, some say.

Malkavians - A clan fractured by madness, each member irrevocably suffering under the yoke of insanity.

Followers of Seth - A religious movement that evangelizes the example of a chthonic god, while seeking out the world's secret places and protecting ancient artifacts.

Nosferatu - Hideously disfigured by the Embrace, so they keep to the sewers shadows and traffic in the secrets they collect.

Ravnos - nomads and tricksters who can force the mind to see what isn't there, though they are slaves to the vices they indulge in.

Toreador - Vampires that enjoy every sensual pleasure the world has to offer, idolizing physical beauty and the adoration of their thralls.

Tremere - Vampiric sorcerers that wield the supernatural power of their past as a , though they became vampires through treachery and artifice.

Tzimisce - Eldritch Old World lords who have little in common with the mortal world and can manipulate flesh and bone at a whim.

Ventrue - Observe the noblesse oblige of vampire society, though their entitlement and greed encourages them to seek ever more at the expense of others.

Amy, as a 3rd gen is the start of a new bloodline. Their strength will be the ability to use witchcraft/wizardry. While their weakness (Which will likely never come up in the book due to the scope) is that they become thin-blooded after the 6th generation, rather than the 13th, meaning they will only ever be high vampires and will remain a small clan.

Those of 5th generation or lower can take on a Vampiric form:

Those of 5th generation or lower can take on a Vampiric form:

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(Art work from The Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor expansion)

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(Art work from The Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor expansion)

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