102. Battle of Hogwarts I

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Months passed with each side in the war launching assaults at the others before retreating. Slowly but surely, Amy's forces had been taking territory from her enemies. With Gringotts Bank under her control globally as well as an ever growing elven slave revolt spreading like wildfire, her opponents had little hope to mount a solid defence. It was never the plan to expand again so soon but the attacks against them were relentless. Their enemies were desperate and the only sure way to stop them was to take everything from them, their lives and homes included.

The Death Eaters were a more insidious threat. They were ideologically opposite to Amy and those displaced by the new order found safe ground among them. No matter what, Pansy's inquisition could not find any significant base of them. Their attacks were also more devastating. They did not shy from mass civillian casualties.

As it turned out, conquering a continent overnight involved a lot of aftercare...

Amy had begun ordering all bodies from any battles be brought back to Aaru. She was creating legions of inferi that would patrol her territories, serving as a deterrent as well as being eyes that she could see through. It was the closest she could manage to being omnipresent.

The animated bodies marching through wizard villages created much shock and horror but, with time and some media manipulation, they were accepted.

Small obeslisks, mimicking Amy's palace were created and given to Asha's 'priests', they could breech the veil in an area the size of a small room. Still, this created places that people could visit to speak to loved dead. Very quickly, the new religion began to spread once it was revealed that devotees were allowed to speak to their families after death. Amy never wanted to be worshipped. She definitely never wanted to create a new religion but, she had to admit, it was incredibly beneficial to her. Besides she already aspired to godhood levels of power... why shouldn't she go all the way... The power was intoxicating.

Despite the efforts of their enemies, Amy and her followers were gaining the love and support of the people they ruled over.

As Amy was visiting Dean and Seamus, who were slowly working through their combined trauma, Herpo called out to them all mentally. Hogwarts was under attack. A large attack. Even Herpo's Elite were struggling to fend them off. Reinforcements were needed. Dumbledore was leading the assault.

They didn't need to hear any more before they were scrambling to prepare. Seamus still craved vengence against the Order and Dean would follow him anywhere. By now, Ginny had forces ready to deploy to any of their territories around the clock. Amy, along with her loves, the ex-Death Eaters and Anubis' honour guard took the portal to Hogwarts. Sethi used his own portal to arrive. To the enemies, the appearance of a titanic armoured dragon made them hesitate but they had expected this. Sethi was now well over 100m (328ft), a sickening six times as long as the largest Hungarian Horntails.

AN: I wanted him to be roughly the size of Smaug in The Hobbit films.

Instantly he took flight and sweeped over the battlefield, dividing the field with long paths of fire.

Amy and her reinforcements ran from their tower to the front lines. Ginny's people soon also arrived. The uniformed wizards, vampires, elves, goblins and vampire aligned beasts marched in well regimented formations.

The scale of the battle was more than anything Amy could have expected. There must have been thousands of wizards outside the castle. Among them were giants, centaurs and... dragons. A lot of dragons. They seemed pathetically small next to Sethi but were more than capable of killing humans.

This would be, by far, the largest scale battle the wizarding world had ever seen. Why Hogwarts though? Why would Dumbledore pick a school of all places to have the all-or-nothing battle that would likely decide the war? It didn't make sense.

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