10. Hogsmeade

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After leaving a miserable Harry in the enterance hall, Amy excitedly grabbed Mione's hand and the two girls ran towards the gate, leaving a confused and abandoned Ron behind. Hogsmeade was only Amy's second experience with mortal society outside of Hogwarts. Hermione already knew that Amy knew very little and was excited for the trip. Since her revelation, the girl had been helping her with muggle studies to better blend in.

Once they arrived, Amy didn't let go of Hermione's hand, it was comfortable and the bushy haired girl made no move to pull away. They started off just walking the streets and exploring, making a mental note of where everything was and enjoying the atmosphere. Once they reached a shop called Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop Hermione excitedly pulled them towards it. "Do you mind if we stop of here? I need a new quill and some more parchment."

Amy smiled and let herself be pulled. "Of course, Mione."

The shop was very much what you would expect, it was a stationary shop. The girls grabbed some parchment before looking over the quills. There were several, more premium quills, with different enchantments on them. "Hmm, I like the sound of a self-inking enchantment, its pretty annoying having to redip the quill every few seconds." Amy thought out loud.

Mione hummed in agreement looking over them, "I agree, but they are quite expensive aren't they? I think I'll just take this." She said picking up a magpie feather with a steel tip.

Amy approached the counter, "Excuse me, sir, do you have any raven quills with a self-inking enchantment? Preferably with a metal tip."

The man looked over an inventory book briefly before replying, "unfortunately not, I could have one made and sent out to you. I should be able to get it to you before the end of next week."

"That'd be great, thanks. Please send it to Amy Armati at Hogwarts Castle." She smiled taking out her purse, once Hermione approached she also took the feather and parchment from her and placed them on the desk. "We'll also take these, could you add a self-inking enchantment to this quill please?" she asked before Hermione could object.

Once the man had gone into the back to apply the enchantment, Hermione hit her shoulder. "What are you doing? I can't afford that" she scolded.

"But I can, and-" she held up a hand "and before you object, consider it a haloween gift for my favourite girl. Anything you want, you'll get." She winked, making Mione blush.

Once they were outside, Amy looked around making sure no one was looking and put their shopping bags into her sachel she wore. "Undetectable extension charm." She explained as they disappeared in the small bag before making a shushing gesture, smiling cheekily. Hermione just laughed, despite, or because of the illegal nature of the enchantments. "Come on, lets see what else there is." Amy said, offering her hand back out which Hermione happily took.

The passed quickly, Amy gathered some ingredients from Dogweed and Deathcap before discreetly selling some vampire venom that she "just happened to come across." It was a rarity and she could get a great price from selling something that was worth nothing to her. The two visited Tomes and Scrolls, where you'd think they'd bought out the entire shop if you saw them walking out. The entire way around the two girls kept their hands locked together, laughing and leaning into each other as they went.

Eventually, they decided to visit the Three Broomsticks Inn. Once they had their drinks, they found a quiet booth and, despite having both seating on both sides of the table, sat close besides each other. Amy discreetly cast a spell to empty her mug before pouring some blood she had bottled in. This was her 'special reserve', she would get her thralls incredibly drunk and drain their blood at the height of their drunken state. This was the only way she was able to drink alcohol. Even though Hermione had made it clear on many occasions that she didn't mind, Amy still felt self consious as the girl watched her pour the blood. She tried to not let it show, not wanting to sour their good mood.

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