29. First Weeks of Summer

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Amy's chambers were the size of most people's houses. Room after room dedicated wholely for her use. Helena smiled, it was like a pitch black version of how she'd decorated their tower. She had a dedicated library, a potions room, even an 'greenhouse' for growing plants that didn't need sunlight.

"Here we are, my space." Amy announced.

"It's so... you." Helena smiled. She meant it. The space felt like a physical representation of the girl.

Amy laughed, "I'd hope so! I'm usually the only one who is allowed in here but Vlad has been coming in to tend my plants." She said as started a fire. She never used the fireplace before, the light hurt her eyes but now she'd grown used to having a fire roaring at all times. "I've got to say though, it feels a little cold now I'm coming back to it. It needs some art."

The girls pulled a sofa to sit in front of the fire and chatted idly for a while.

"Father likes you." Amy smiled. "I'm so glad..."

"I meant every word I said in there." Helena said with a shy smile.

"I know..." Amy smiled warmly, "I mean, I knew anyway but you wouldn't be able to lie in his presence, its quite literally impossible. It's why he was the judge of Osiris' court."

Helena raised an eyebrow, "you didn't think to warn me of that before?"

Amy shrugged, "I didn't need to, I knew you'd impress him regardless." The two leaned into each other. A habit they'd formed when Helena was still a ghost. It was still surprising sometimes when they actually made contact.

A knock on the door broke their comfortable silence. Amy sighed and answered it. Alexios, her father's steward.

"Alexios." She nodded politely.

"Ahmose." He responded with a bow.

"Come in," She stepped aside. "I didn't see you in the greeting party."

He stepped past her into the room before turning to face her, "My apologies, Ahmose. Your father sent me on a last minute meeting with the leader of the mortals in the town."

"Well then, come along. I want you to meet my first childe, Helena." She led him into the room. He raised a brow to see a fireplace actually being used. Helena stood up to greet the guest. Alexios gave a polite bow and Helena copied the gesture.

"Helena, meet Alexios, my father's steward. Him and Marco are the only ones allowed to see father. Besides me and now you, of course."

"A pleasure to meet you, sir." Helena bowed politely again.

"The pleasure is mine." Alexios replied stiffly. He was always Amy's least favourite of her Father's 'inner circle', he was too proper.

"Now," Amy said, taking a seat beside Helena and magically pulling an armchair over to the fire so Alexios could sit. "Sit, please."

"I see you are comfortable with your use of witchcraft now." He observed blankly.

"Of course, though I'm only just beginning." She nodded. Helena noticed the stoney mask had returned to her face. "What brings you here, Alexios?" She asked once he was seated.

"I just wanted to welcome you back." He replied. "I hear you made quite the entrance. Forcing the whole Court into submission."

Amy gave a small smile. "Of course, the members of The Court have spent my life seeing me as a child struggling to learn. I had to remind them that they were in the presence of The Moon."

Alexios nodded, "I'm inclined to agree. Your father is too. He was impressed when he heard what had happened."

"I'm glad. The creatures of this Court are awful sychophants who have grown too used to their sense of superiority. They have never known the feeling of my father's gaze. They need to be humbled if they will ever be of use, otherwise I might as well purge them now."

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