13. The Bloody Baron

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It was the day of the first quidditch match of the year. Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff. Hermione had met up with Amy that morning and the two were making their way through the school, they were heading over early so Amy could get a seat in the Gryffindor seats. However, before they could even leave the school they heard a scream and soon enough Helena came flying around the corner with panic on her face. Once she saw the girls she called out to them.

"Helena, whats wrong!"Amy said, stepping forward as though she would catch her.

"Amy! Please help, its the Baron. He wont leave me alone. He's scaring me." She said, hiding behind the girls. Just then the Baron came around the same corner but stopped when he saw Amy. A very angry Amy. He quickly turned and flew away as quickly as he could. Amy couldn't let this slide, she warned him before. He was harrasing her best friend and she wouldn't stand for it.

"Sorry, Mi, you go ahead. I've got something I need to deal with." She said, giving a quick kiss goodbye.

"Wait- whatever you are planning, I can help." She offered. Amy didn't want Mione getting in trouble because of what she planned. She just shook her head.

"Not this time, Mi." She pulled her close by the waist, before leaning close to whisper, "I'll need to use my personal powers to make sure the lesson sticks. I can't risk you getting caught." She gave another kiss. "Please?" she asked, begging Mione not to fight her on this.

The girl just nodded. "Alright, you'll tell me later though."

"Of course." Amy smiled before giving their second goodbye kiss and pulling apart.

An hour later, Helena and Amy had a plan. Helena would lure the Baron into an empty classroom. The whole castle should be away at the match so they shouldn't have trouble. Amy prepared the classroom by painting holding glyphs and necromantic symbols around the room. She also wrote a long spell in runic in a circle on the floor. They planned to bind the ghost to her but needed to seperate him from his binding to the school. What they were doing was incredibly illegal and needed to ensure it would be untracable. If it was successful, Amy could ensure the Baron never bothers Helena again.

Soon enough, she could hear Helena screaming down the hall. It was time. When Helena flew through the door into the room, she gave a quick wink to Amy. Soon after, the Baron entered. Amy instantly channeled energy into the glyphs. The Baron froze where he was. Moving her hand, she guided him into the centre of the spell circle.

Panic was settling on his face as he took in the room, his powerlessness and a smug looking Amy and Helena. "Helena, my love. What is happening, tell her to stop!" He pleaded.

"No." Helena replied simply before moving to the side of the room to observe.

Amy cast a spell to silence the ghost, she couldn't bear to hear his voice any more. "I warned you before, you have been harassing my friend for centuries. You killed her. You don't get to act the victim. You had the chance to change, you never did. You are an irredeemable creep. In times past, my father would have ensured your punishment, be thankful you only have to answer to me."

He tried to shake off the spell. It was useless but, as though to demonstrate it, she forced him to his knees.

"My sister, Ammit, who has slept since before I was born, would handle the punishments. She would consume the souls of her victims. I've been told it was aparently an excruciating process. She could make it last months if she so desired. If she awakens one day, she will be hungry don't you think? You'd make a fine offering."

He looked terrified, unable to vocalise he expressed enough through his eyes.

"I just wanted you to understand. This is a mercy. This is more than you deserve."

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