49. Date With Luna

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It was not long after the second task that Sirius contacted Harry. He asked to meet but specified that I not be there. He still hadn't forgotten her short temper on their first meeting. Hermione went with Ron and Harry to meet him. Pansy and Helena insisted that Amy spend the day with Luna.

She quite liked the idea so agreed. She entered the Ravenclaw tower without much trouble. All you had to do was answer a simple riddle that even first years could do. Still, wearing the Diadem of Ravenclaw helped. She'd started wearing it full time. It helped give her a clarity of mind that she missed if she didn't wear it. When she entered the common room, she was met with cautious glances but most avoided even looking at her.

"Excuse me." She asked a girl she knew was in their year. "Do you know if Luna is in?"

"L-Luna?" She stuttered out.

"Yes. I want to see if she wants to spend some time together."

"Her? I- I mean... I'll let her know you're here." She quickly ran up the stairs.

As she waited she looked around. The Ravenclaw common room was nicer than the Gryffindor one, she tought. And a lot better than Slytherin.

She approached a window and looked out. The view was stunning. They could see the lake, forest, quidditch pitch and mountains.

"Hello." A familiar dreamy voice spoke behind her.

"Luna! Are you busy today? I wanted to see if you'd like to spend some time with me."

"I'm not busy." She airily said. "I love spending time with you."

"Lets go then." Amy smiled and held out a hand. She knew the other Ravenclaws were watching curiously with sneaked peaks. She didn't care. She knew Luna had a reputation but she was, by far, more worthwhile than anyone else in that room.

The girls walked hand in hand. "D-did you want to go for a picnic? Hermione has been teaching me to cook..." Amy asked shyly.

"That sounds lovely. But you can't eat, I don't want you to feel left out."

"I uh... Mione re-discovered a potion that lets me eat temporarily. I only use it to eat with the girls. It's become a personal thing to eat with someone..." Amy didn't know why she was getting so nervous. She rarely got nervous anymore.

"Oh! Then lead the way." She replied, leaning into Amy as they walked.

Amy mentally sent the message to Helena and Pansy who offered to help. Once Amy confirmed they were on their way, they set up the picnic spot.

They walked in a comfortable silence to a spot nestled in some trees by the lake. That was one thing that Amy appreciated about Luna. They didn't even need to talk to feel comfortable together.

When they arrived, a blanket was laid out, a basket with an enchantment to keep the food warm and a bottle of wine.

Luna gasped shocked, she didn't expect it to already be set up.

"There uh... there's wine but don't feel pressured to drink if you don't want to." Amy nervously stammered.

"It's lovely, thank you." Luna smiled looking around. They were right by the lake so could hear the waves lapping on the shore. They had the shade of the trees. It was peaceful.

Luna took a seat and peaked in the basket.

"I've only ever tried the girls' cooking so I have no idea if it's good or if it's just what I'm used to."

"It smells delicious." Luna said with a comforting smile. Amy's nerves relaxed.

"Did you want any wine? I know it's only midday..."

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