81. Vacation II

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When morning rolled around, Amy took Hermione to one side and asked if she'd spend the day with her. Hermione happily agreed. They decided that, while they were here, they wanted to check out the magical district of Melbourne. They flew to just outside the city then rode a bus in. They couldn't fly in their vampire forms into the centre of a muggle city.

The magical district here was much smaller than London but also much more modern and, to be honest, better designed. Still, most pureblood wizards preferred to stay in the 'old world', where their family held power.

The girls visited a wand shop and asked all about the wands. The woods and cores they commonly used were different to Ollivanders. No wands called out to them though so there was no temptation to upgrade. Their bookshop was smaller than the one in London but it was much neater. Their potions shop was fascinating to Amy. Ingredients that were rare and expensive in Europe were cheap over here. She bought as much as she could.

Finally, Hermione excitedly pulled Amy to a shop. It stood out because, unlike the others, this displayed items Amy had never seen before. An Aboriginal shop. Hermione and Amy were fascinated with everything. People in different parts of the world learned to use magic in different ways. Hermione bought a few trinkets and Amy bought books on divination, constellations in the southern hemisphere and magical symbols used in Australia and the pacific islands.

When evening rolled around, they flew back but Amy wanted a redo of their first 'real' date. They flew to a hill near their home where Amy had previously set up a blanket and pillows.

"Amy, did you do this?" Hermione asked, worried they were about to ruin someone's picnic spot.

Amy smiled widely and took her girlfriends hand as they landed.

"Of course, I've been thinking about our date at the top of the astronomy tower a lot recently. You cooked for me. Its my turn." She explained as she pulled a basket out of her sachel.

Hermione beamed, remembering the night. It was also the night they lost their virginities to each other. She watched Amy unpack the basket. She small meals she prepared were the same that Hermione had made. They were her favourite meals that she wanted to share with her girlfriend for her first time eating mortal food.

"I hope I prepared them how you like them..." Amy said bashfully.

"They smell amazing." Hermione said comfortingly.

Amy took out two vials of the potions Amy had rediscovered years ago.

They drank the potions and Amy smiled warmly.

"That is still the most significant thing anyone has ever done for me..." She said.

 "What is?"

"Rediscovering the lost recipe of this potion... Of not only not minding my vampirism but actively helping me find some humanity. You mean more to me than I could ever express..." She said, reaching out and cupping Hermione's cheek with her hand. Hermione leaned into the hand and looked at her girlfriend with misty eyes. "I know I shouldn't... but you'll always be first among my girlfriends. It'll always be you, Mi. I love you so fucking much..."

Hermione pulled her girlfriend into a deep kiss. The two lay there making out for a while. Amy was glad that she enchanted the containers to keep the heat of the food. Eventually, Hermione pulled back and whispered a reply.

"And I love you, Amy. You've always put others first. You've always made sure I'm ok with anything we do. You've always supported me. You've showed me a world beyond simple academics in school. You've given me purpose and our goals align so much. You actually care and that is shockingly rare. I love you, Amy, and I think I always will..."

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