96. Undermining Allies

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The day had come, the pureblood families that were doubting Voldemort would be coming. Her girlfriends wore their armour while Amy wore a dress with the cloak still over her shoulders and her numerous pieces of magical jewellery on display. Herpo, likewise, simply wore a robe. The Ravenclaw diadem in particular was almost always worn, only her lovers ever saw her without it.

The carriages were going to land outside the city limit and they'd walk in. From outside, the protective spells made it invisible. It just looked like a vast stretch of relatively flat desert. However, once inside the protective barrier, the city became visible in all its growing glory. She wanted the reveal to be a surprise while she could see their reactions.

They waited outside the city limit and watched as the carriages appeared in the distance. Before long the five carriages came to a graceful stop in the sand. Amy ordered some of her more presentable inferi to approach to help the guests out while a carpet rolled out so they don't have to walk on the sand. It was common knowledge she was a necromancer, there was no point pretending she didn't use reanimated bodies for menial tasks.

First out was Draco, followed by his parents. His mother followed his lead and took the inferi's hand as it helped her down. His father turned his nose up at them and looked around at the empty desert. Behind them came Bellatrix Lestrange. Amy's heart skipped a beat, the emotional wave felt by her loves through their marks. Why the fuck did she feel so attracted to the woman? She'd barely spoken to her and the entire time she knew her she was starved, filthy and with rotten teeth. Not now though... Being out of prison had been good for her. The woman smiled slyly at Amy when they locked eyes.

"Uh oh... Amy's next conquest is here..." Pansy mentally teased.

"Oh please... I've got all I'll ever need with you girls." Amy defended.

All of the girls laughed slightly.

"If you say so, my love..." Hermione joined in teasing.

"Hey, lets be kind to Amy... She's clearly got mommy issues from being raised by a single father. She clearly needs an older lady to fill a hole in her heart." Ginny added. Again, the girls laughed mentally.

"I hate you all... my loves." Amy grumbled.

"You should go for it. She's clearly making eyes with you." Luna added. The others, once the teasing stopped, agreed.

The next carriage delivered Snape, Pansy's parents and, surprisingly, Corban Yaxley and his family. Next was Daphne's carriage containing the entire Greengrass family. It was her parents, her sister, Astoria, along with her aunt and uncle with their children.

Millicent's carriage contained her parents along with the few remaining members of the Avery family. Finally Tracey's carriage contained her parents and the Abbott family. They were not part of the Death Eaters but were under threat so Amy offered to take them in considering Hannah Abbot had been so loyal to Helena.

"Welcome everyone!" Amy called out once everyone gathered. She noticed that most of them were first taking in the vast nothingness of where they were before noticing the incredible armour the group were wearing. Once they saw Phobos standing behind Amy, as he always did when no on a mission, they couldn't help but feel a chill run up their spine. His reputation was spreading fast as an unstoppable, bloodthirsty monster.

"I'm sure you all have your own reasons for being here. Maybe you've had a change of heart over your current loyalties. Maybe you want to escape the war that is bubbling away just under the surface. Maybe you just like me and my ideals! Or maybe... you have realised that I am inevitable..."

The group didn't say anything, they just fanned themselves under the Sahara sun and listened. It was approaching summer now and the sun was intense.

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