53. Gaunt Ring

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That evening, a piece of Voldemort's soul called back to her. A piece teeming with necromantic power of a level she hadn't seen before. But Voldemort wasn't an especially talented necromancer, was he? He created incubi, sure, but he was never known to bind ghosts or meaningfully restore the dead. Regardless, she wanted it. She needed it.

She left in the middle of the night without telling anyone. The soul fragment was screaming out to her. No, not the soul. The object? She wore a black robe to sneak out in the grounds in the dark. Once she was at the external wall to the castle, she grew her wings and flew over. She flew until she was outside the boundry of the castle. She'd never apparated without the mark before but she'd read the theory. Time for practice.

She focused on the feeling of the horcrux and apparated.

A shack. A dilapidated old shack. It must have been empty for decades. The sensation grew as she moved towards it. It was hidden but she had no trouble finding it. It wanted to be found. It was a ring. A ring with a black stone set in the top. The stone had a strange pattern. A triangle with a circle inside and a line through the centre. The circle part had a gold inlay, the others were just carved.

The stone, she realised, was the source of the necromantic power. It was unlike anything she'd felt. It was incredible. The stone wanted her. It wanted to be saved. It wanted to serve her.

She pulled the soul out and once again devoured it. The soul fragments in her mind seemed to panic and retreat from her senses. They had gone into hiding. She didn't mind. None called out to her like this one had.

She placed the ring on her hand and could feel the veil to the afterlife thin around her. She could sense the souls ready to be plucked from their afterlife. She licked her lips at the potential and started laughing loudly in the shack in the middle of nowhere. She decided to leave a note, in case Voldemort came looking for it.

I have your ring and have devoured another piece of your soul. Three down. I'm coming for you.

The Moon is rising. The night will come for you.

Come and get me... Ahmose, daugher of Anubis, heir of Osiris.

She smiled with satisfaction and hid the letter back where she'd found the ring.

She apparated back to Hogsmeade and made her way back into the castle. She found Harry coming from Dumbledore's office. They had agreed that he should tell Harry about Voldemort's soul that had been removed from him.

"Harry? What the hell, it's so late. Don't tell me you chose now to visit." She laughed.

He smiled. "He had some things to do, trying to find Crouch. While I was waiting I used a pensive in his office. Did you know Crouch sent his own son to Azkaban for being a Death Eater?"

Amy raised an eyebrow. It was surprising, she didn't know Crouch had a son. "Really? I suppose he didn't really have any other option if he wanted to keep his position."

Harry nodded solemnly, "Crouch declared he had no son as he sentenced him."

Amy hummed. "What of Dumbledore, how did he react?"

"He said he knew. He admitted he thought the only way it would be removed would be for me to die." Harry grumbled.

"Wait, so he was just guiding you for you to eventually die?" Amy was furious with the old man. Harry trusted him and he was playing on that.

"He says he suspected I wouldn't truly die. It feels like a convenient excuse but I don't really know..."

"Well..." Amy said with a sly smile. "You technically did die." She laughed.

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