92. Breaching the Veil

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All Amy had to do was give her new weapon a time and location of where Order or Templars were gathering and he would handle the rest. Every time she sent him out, reports returned of a massacre. The Daily Prophet was reporting on a beast committing atrocities with extreme brutality. He was perfect.

When he wasn't out on a mission he was Amy's shadow. He followed her everywhere. This was part of the conditioning she had imprinted on to him in secret.

In the meantime, Winky and Dobby had liberated large numbers of elves. Every day more and more reports were in the press on elves revolting against their masters. News of murdered slave owners was increasing daily. The wizarding world was being destabalised while Amy was strengthened. They were too reliant on slave labour.

The elves that migrated to her city were transforming the terrain. Somehow they were bringing life to the desert. Even under the blocked sun, grasses, plants and trees were growing. Water seemed to be found wherever it was needed. It was fascinating. The settlers of the city treated the new citizens with the same respect they afforded to humans. They were thriving without the curse on them. Winky herself now had hair down to her shoulders, it was a beautiful chestnut colour and Amy often sat with her, teaching her how to care for it and style it. After she'd educated and taught so much to Winky, Amy couldn't help but see her as her daughter. The truth was, the elf was probably older than her.

Her palace had been completed quickly over the weeks. As more and more of the Legion proved their loyalty, they were allowed to visit the city. The city was named Aaru, after the ancient name for the afterlife. Those who proved their loyalty were able to work on the palace. With the extra labour, Amy decided the four ziggurats looked too disjointed. The corners were filled in making the palace one huge Octagon with tiered levels and a central courtyard where a huge obsidian bowl was stored. They bowl would be where the door to beyond the veil would be opened. It was 150m in diameter. In the centre of the bowl was the obelisk Amy originally placed at the founding of Aaru. Over time, she had been raising it up so that it now emerged from the top of the palace, at the top she inserted Grandfather's philosopher's stone. The entire palace was made of smooth obsidian. Overall, the palace was 750 meters wide in any direction and an towering 500m tall. It was more room than she'd ever need but it wasn't just for her. It would be a place of government, an academy, an archive, a centre of research and most importantly... a conduit for immense magic.

The black glass look was only broken up by an intricate spell that Amy had been working on by adapting Osiris' writings along with the intuition that the Deathly Hallows seemed to be providing. All around the structure in one enormous passage that covered the vast walls she wrote in hieroglyphs and magical runes. The Elder Wand made the process easy. She could effortlessly carve into the obsidian and fill the carving with molten gold. Her friends would take turns following her and adding their blood to the gold to enhance the magic.

The process took a month of almost non-stop work. While they were in hiding, they had plenty of free time.

Finally, after months after she started the process, all was ready. The citizens of Aaru gathered in the streets to watch. The mythical creatures that had joined her all bowed deeply. Even in the times of Osiris, such a thing was never attempted. Even then, such a palace was never conceived. Many whispered, although tentatively, that the Moon was eclipsing the great progenitor of all their kinds.

Amy assembled all the members of the Legion that had proven their loyalty. They were spread over various balconies at different levels of the interior of the palace. They had been practicing the spell, regardless, they each had a book with the long encantation. Herpo and his childer were at the top of the palace. Amy's lovers were one level up from the ground. Amy was standing in the courtyard. She was standing inside the bowl, she had a hand on the obelisk in the centre.

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