95. Mortal Problems

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It had been arranged for several pureblood families to visit Aaru. Because the distance was too far to apparate, the secrecy needed and the fact that a number of them were too snobbish to use muggle transport, Amy had several large and luxurious thestral drawn carriages sent for them.  Snape, Draco, Tracey, Millicent and Daphne were going to sit in on each to be a contact during the journey. Still, it was relatively slow and would take a few days for them to arrive.

For now, all Amy had to do was wait. For once, she had some free time. Unfortunately, for a couple of days she had been emotionally unstable and she couldn't explain why. Worse, over the past day her stomach started cramping horribly.

She, along with her girlfriends were enjoying the free time by just doing nothing. They were all lounging in their private chambers, content with each others presence. Amy and Hermione were cuddling reading a book. Luna, Ginny and Helena were playing a board game while Pansy was listening to music through some muggle 'headphones'.

The pain was making it too hard for Amy to really relax so, frustrated, she decided to go for a walk. As soon as she stood up, Pansy did a double take at her, cackled loudly and took off her headphones.

"Amy, what the fuck!" She said, barely speaking through her laughter.

Amy just looked at her confused. What was funny about standing up?

"Oh Amy..." Helena said sympathetically once she, Ginny and Luna looked over.

Everyone's eyes were looking at her waist. Amy looked down. Blood.




What was happening? Was she dying?

All thoughts of immortality left her head in the momentary panic.

No, not dying... but what the fuck?

She screamed, looking at her friends in a panic.

They were... giggling?

"Amy, calm down. You're fine." Hermione was the first to speak when she saw her girlfriends panic. She pulled the tall girl down into a hug and explained to her. "When we took in our mortal souls... we turned off most of our mortal biology... did you miss something?"

"What? I don't think so..."

Pansy was still laughing loudly. "Our little Amy's first period!"

The other girls couldn't help laugh again. Realisation dawned on Amy. She'd never experienced it... She'd been dead since well before puberty. She'd heard about it in passing but no one told her what to do or expect. Why would they? Now that she knew what was happening though, she could switch it off like with hunger or her heart. Instantly, she started to feel better.

She couldn't help but be embarrassed but her girlfriends were quick to comfort her, even Pansy... once she stopped laughing.

"That was fucking awful..." Amy moaned once she had cleaned herself up.

"Tell us about it..." Ginny laughed.

"I never really had problems..." Luna said absentmindedly, swinging her legs off the chair.

"Lucky you." Hermione joined in on the moaning.

"Wait..." Helena had a realisation. "How many others don't know..?"

Amy paled. Vampires weren't known for using protection. There was no need. They couldn't get pregnant or get diseases.

"Oh fuck..." She mumbled.

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