90. Aftermath

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After the initial celebration, Amy took Seamus aside for a private word. His rage had only intensified. He still never spoke. It was as though the Seamus they had known had died with Dean. All that was left was hatred. Amy had hoped that a chance at combat would relieve some of this tension. Instead, his anger only burned hotter.

"You killed Sirius?" She asked him. She'd only seen him bite down on the wolf's neck.

He nodded with his now usual stoney expression.

"But you're not satisfied?"

He glared at her. The glare wasn't directed at her. It was just his default look now. There was a hunger in his eyes. They screamed that he'd never be satisfied.

She sighed. She didn't know how to deal with him. She didn't have to words to heal him. She didn't believe they existed. How could they? If Hermione died... or Helena or Pansy or any of them. Amy would be unconsolable. She was certain she would become a monster. How, therefore, could she refuse her friend the right to do the same. He would become a monster. Her monster.

"You want nothing more than to see them all burn?" He nodded. "To have them suffer as you suffer?" He nodded. "I would do the same." Amy declared. He looked at her with understanding. "I want you to have your revenge. I want revenge. Seamus... how far are you willing to go..?"

He stared with intensity at her. His expression screamed he'd go all the way.

"Would you become a weapon?"

He nodded.

"Would you let me pour power into you?"

He nodded.

"Would you let me alter your body to better serve this role?"

He noddded.

"Would you let the vesitiges of your humanity fade away?"

He nodded.

"Would you become reviled by the world?"

He nodded.

"Seamus, will you become my monster?"

He nodded with a sinister smirk. The first 'smile' she'd seen from him since Dean died.

"Good..." Amy couldn't help but smirk. She will make him unstoppable...

She summoned Alexios. He was to tell the goblins that Seamus' armour was to be prioritised. They would also work with Herpo's lab. He'd taken over when Amy went on holiday and remained in charge since. They had been working on something. A fusion of magic and technology. Electronics powered and enhanced by magic. His armour would use prototype technology combined with the finest goblin craftsmanship and enhanced magically.

In the meantime she set about researching methods to manipulate his body. Osiris' tomes had a few chapters dedicated to this. It was how the original vampires had developed their giant bodies. She'd make him as powerful as possible. She'd push the boundries that had been established. He was her new project. For now, she didn't tell anyone... They wouldn't understand...

The very next day after the battle, the first piece of news came in. All known members of the Legion had been expelled.  There had also been some attempts to arrest or capture them. There were too many at the school so they were able to overwhelm their attackers and flee to their pocket realm. This was their new home. Their new school.

Similarly, the Daily Prophet reported on the incident.



In a shocking turn of events. Reports of a large scale battle occured at Nurmengard Castle, the prison of fearsome dark wizard, Gellart Grindelwald. The details are still unclear but reports from surviving prison guards indicate that Amy Armati, along with followers and, by all accounts, a dragon, assaulted the castle. Witnesses report that she showed no remorse as she slaughtered the innocent guards. She also is reported to have spoken to Grindelwald.

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