18. Birthday

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The three talked until the early hours, Hermione not wanting to go back to the common room and deal with Ron and Harry.

Hermione looked shocked when she saw the time, "Wow, its 2am! Happy birthday love." She said now that it had rolled over into Amy's 'birthday' before pulling her into a kiss. In reality her actual 16th birthday was months ago but she didn't celebrate that. Instead, she celebrated the day she was sired, 26th December.

"Happy birthday Amy," Helena said, looking slightly sheepish as she watched the two girls kiss. Once the kiss broke, she wrapped an arm around Helena's waist and pulled her into a side hug.

"Thanks you two, what better way to see my birthday in than with my two favourite girls." She winked, an arm around either.

They both rolled their eyes.

"Well then, I may as well get this over with." She said, taking out the aging potion. "This hurts like hell but its exciting to age a year in a minute." She joked.

Quickly she wrote out the spells in a rune circle on the ground. Once she was satisfied, she took the dagger from her boot, cut open her palm and let the blood fall onto the runes. Finally she stepped into the centre and drank the potion.

For one excruciating minute she fell to her knees and screamed loudly. Hermione and Helena watched in horror as their loved one writhed in paid. Watching her features morph subtly and her limbs extend. Finally, it ended and Amy stood back up as though nothing happened and cleared the runes on the ground.

Overall she didn't look too different. Some of her facial features were a touch sharper and she was a little thinner in the face. She was beautiful before and she was beautiful after, perhaps more so, thought Hermione. The main difference though was in her height. She had grown from her previous 5'10" to 6'3".

"Well, that'll be awkward to explain to everyone," Amy said as she looked from her new heightened point of view. "I honestly thought I'd stopped growing."

"Merlin, Am, I'm going to need a step ladder to kiss you!" Mione laughed as she approached. As if to demonstrate, Amy bent down to kiss the 5'5" girl.

"I must say, that looked horrific, are you ok Amy?" Helena stepped forward.

"It's fine, it hurts but there are no lingering effects once its over. I've only got two more years of it though. I intend to stay at 18 indefinitely once I reach it.

It wasn't much later when Hermione was struggling to keep awake. So Amy took her back to her room to sleep. It was late the next day when Hermione finally woke up.

During the day, Hermione said she had something she needed to do but asked if they could do something in the evening so Amy spent the day with Helena. At 6pm Hermione approached her girlfriend in their usual spot in the library.

"Happy birthday, love." She said with a kiss before leaning into the girls ear, "come to the astronomy tower." She whispered then quickly left.

A small grin crept onto Amy's face making Helena raise an eyebrow. "Let me guess, you've got to go do 'something'" She said with a knowing smile.

Amy gave an apologetic smile at leaving her friend, "Yeah, sorry. It seems I'm needed."

Helena laughed, "Go, go. Don't leave the poor girl waiting."

As Helena watched her best friend leave she couldn't help feel a touch of envy for the bushy haired girl. She quickly pushed the feeling down, Amy was happy and she was a ghost, nothing could ever happen.

The stairs to the astronomy tower were lines with candles, as she reached the top of the stairs. In the candle and moon light, she saw Hermione wearing a red dress sitting on a blanket on the floor, her legs to one side. Around the blanket were a number of cushions and in the middle an array of different foods. All had a very homemade look to them.

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