8. Close Calls

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Once Amy felt satisfied, she pushed the thrall away. Being around mortals was proving to be risky. She'd never been around so many, never had to hold herself back like this. She was sloppy coming straight here. As she mentally scolded herself, heading to the door, she was met with the reality of just how sloppy. Just before she could open the door, it opened cautiously.

"...Amy? Are you ok?" She heard the familiar voice of Hermione calling out. Panic. She can't be allowed inside. She quickly rushed to head out the door, pushing Hermione slightly as she did.

"Yea- Yeah I'm ok, just a little shook up about Malfoy." She lied.

Hermione raised an eyebrow, feeling there was something else bothering the girl. She looked closely, was Amy wearing lipstick? She decided she didn't know the girl well enough to challenge her lie.

"Oh Amy, it was his own fault. You saw how Buckbeak treated you, he isn't dangerous. He was provoked." Amy could sense Hermione was playing along with the lie and was grateful.

"Yeah, its just the blood. I can't stand the sight of it." She said with a half-truth. Hermione smiled sympathetically.

"Well I'm sure he'll be fine. He's probably been taken to Madam Pomfrey by now. Come on, lets get some dinner." She said before walking down the hallway, gesturing for Amy to join.

"I uh... I'm not hungry. I'll head to the library. This homework won't do itself. Join me later if you want?" She offered.

Hermione nodded and walked off. "I'll see you later then." She called out.

"Bye Hermione." She muttered, wiping her face, a little shaken at how close that was. Once she lowered her hands she noticed the blood smeared on them. She wiped her mouth and confirmed the source, a fresh smear of blood on her hand. Fuck.

That night she wasn't joined by Hermione which she was somewhat relieved about. She'd been worrying about what Hermione could have seen all day. Helena spent the evening trying to reassure her that Hermione would have had more of a reaction if she'd suspected anything. It was nice to have a friend who knew her secret. The two girls leaned towards each other, an action that was quickly becoming a sign of affection and comfort between the two girls who couldn't touch.


A few days later and it was time for the first potions class, even better, double potions. She seemed to be the only one excited for this. Since the incident Hermione was behaving as she always did. It seems Helena was right, maybe she hadn't seen anything.

As she entered the classroom with Hermione discussing the Arithmancy homework, she smiled at Professor Snape who was standing at the front with a cold expression. He replied with a slight nod, almost imperceptible. She took her seat next to Hermione and was taking her books out before the door flew open. The rat, Malfoy, his arm in a sling, blustered into the room as though he was a triumphant war hero. The girl from her first night in the dorm, Pansy Parkinson she'd since learned she was called, was fussing over the boy while he tried to swat her away like an annoying fly.

As they passed Amy, Draco gave her a glare while Pansy peeled off from the boy and leaned in front of her.

"Where have you been? Since the first night you've spent a night in your bed. You turn up before anyone is awake to change. You're never in the great hall. Maybe Trelawney was right. Maybe you do have a long list of lovers whose beds you can warm." She laughed mockingly.

Amy knew she was being careless, leaving so many clues but she was still shocked to be confronted about it. She grabbed onto Pansy's shirt, pulling the two closer, their faces almost touching so no one else would see before channeling her vitae to supernaturally intimidate the girl. "I thought I told you to fuck off or I'd make your life hell." She hummed. "Maybe thats what you want?" She finished looking the girl up and down.

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