64. Dementor Attack

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For most of the rest of the summer, the group decided to challenge themselves. Luna suggested idly that they should become animagi which was initially played off as a joke. They all went away that evening and it bacame something of a mental obsession in the group. Some thought it would be a fun experiment. Some wanted to do so because they thought it would be cool. Amy loved the idea of a challenge.

Soon enough they had started the process. Everyone but the Lovegood parents were involved, even Snape. They had to hold mandrake leaves in their mouth for an entire month. They soon realised just how annoying it was. Luckily, most of the group could mentally talk and didn't need to eat or breathe so it was easier for them. For others, such as Snape, Ginny and the twins, it was extremely annoying. Unlike mortal eating though, vampires feeding involved having the mouth wide. They didn't need to do it as often as mortals but it was very hard to keep the leaf in when they did so.

To take their mind of the process, Harry offered to show Amy around the muggle neighbourhood he lived in with the Dursleys. Amy was always fascinated by muggle society. She had grown somewhat used to wizards but muggles were different again.

The area was a lot like the one Hermione's parents lived in. Did all muggles live in these houses? They were all the same. It was all so uniform.

They walked until they reached an area with strange metal frames that seemed to serve no purpose. Harry explained it was a childrens play area. They sat on something Harry called a 'swing' and enjoyed the silence while they mentally communicated.

"Thanks, Har. It's nice to be out for a while." She said.

"It's not like I've taken you anywhere nice." He said with a shrug and a smile.

She rolled her eyes and smiled back. "This is better. It's somewhere you know. It's where you grew up."

He just smiled in response.

They sat in silence for a while.

"Do you think you'll ask Cho out this year?" She asked.

He audibly choked. "W-what?"

"Please, Harry. It's obvious you like her. It's also obvious she likes you back. I don't think Cedric really likes her. He's as fruity as me, he just doesn't admit it."

He sighed, there was no point trying to lie to Amy. Harry was convinced she knew everything. "You really think she's interested?"

"Definitely Harry. I plan to have a word with Cedric next year. He's just going to hurt her by using her to hide from his feelings. I'll be your wingwoman." She winked at him.

He laughed but stopped quickly when he nearly spat out the leaf.

As they were 'talking' they heard a sound unfamiliar to Amy but Harry recognised as the sound of bikes. The voices talking and laughing made Harry cringe.

"Dudley." He explained.

She groaned. The boys approached and, once Dudley saw Harry, came directly at them.

"Who's this then?" Dudley called out. "Don't tell me this scrawny twats got a girlfriend."

"Look at the size of her, Big D! Makes sense he can only pull a freak." His friend sneered.

Amy cackled. "Big D? Fucking hell. What a shit name." She could barely control her laughter.

"Play along." She told Harry and moved to sit on his lap.

"I can tell you all about a real 'big D'." She said, full of lust and stroked Harry's chest.

Harry played his part excellently and placed a hand on her arse and another around her waist. He leaned in and pretended to kiss her neck.

The boys seemed at a loss for words. As much as they insulted her height, they had to admit, the girl was hot. Here she was, laughing at them and talking about Harry's 'big D'. She'd striken directly at their 'male pride'. They seemed personally insulted.

"You ain't seen nothing yet, how about I show you something that'll make you forget all about this rat?" One of the boys boasted.

She looked him up and down. "Eww." She sneered. "If I want five seconds of disappointment, I'll let you know." She said and turned back to Harry.

"Whatever, whore. We don't want you anyway." He spat back and started to peddle away, the other boys joining. Dudley stayed with the two 'lovers'.

"What?" Harry spat at him.

"She like you?" He blurted out.

"A witch? Yeah. Vampire too, but you won't tell anyone that, will you? It'd be a shame if I had to come and kill your parents."

He paled and shook his head.

"Good boy." She smiled, satisfied. "If Harry tells me you've given him any trouble at all, I'll be back." She said coldly.

He nodded. "I-H- He won't have any trouble from me."

She nodded, satisfied.

Before she could say anything else, she noticed it was getting cold. Everything felt a little more grey. Any joy she had from tormenting the boys seemed to fade. Any joy at all seemed to fade.

"Dementors..." Harry mentally warned.

She stood up and Harry followed her.

"Dudley, we need to go now." Harry said.

Dudley, however, wasn't listening. He seemed panicked.

He started to run. Directly towards the dementor waiting at the edge of the park. Muggles couldn't see them, she remembered. She quickly mentally explained to her friends so they wouldn't apparate when they felt her mood. None of them had leared the patronus charm yet.

There were other dementors closing in around them.

She saw the dementor in front of Dudley grab him and start to move its face closer. It was going to eat his soul, both of them realised. As much as they hated him, they couldn't let that happen. Amy rushed forward and grabbed him, throwing him away from the creature only to be it's new target. She mustered as much willpower as she could but she could already feel it pulling at her soul. The world started to fade.

She regained focus. They dementors were gone. Harry was shaking her slightly. Dudley was murmuring to himself looking around in horror.

"What happened." She spoke weakly.

"You nearly got kissed. I had to use a patronus."

"Fuck Har. You saved me. I can't be killed but fuck, what if I become soulless..?" She realised the danger dementors presented.

"No worries." He smiled. "Now lets get him back home and get out of here before they come back." He held out a hand to pull her to her feet

Amy noticed an old woman watching from the other side of the park. They'd have to worry about the Ministry later, she realised. Harry had just used a patronus, while underage and in front of muggles. Right now though, they had bigger things to worry about.

Dudley was easy to guide in his current state. He numbly went along with them. They took him home and just pushed him inside the door. They had to get back to their home. They couldn't risk being out in the muggle world anymore.

As soon as they teleported back, they were met with Amy's girlfriends waiting anxiously for them. They rushed forward when they saw the two. Amy's mood instantly lifted again and the haze that the dementors left began to fade.

"We're all learning patronus charms." Amy declared with a weak laugh.

The girls understood and nodded in agreement. They felt so hopeless knowing that they couldn't come and help.

"On the positive side," Harry interrupted with a joke to lighten the mood. "Amy didn't spit out the leaf once while having her soul sucked out."

Pansy cackled, Luna smiled. Hermione and Helena frowned.

Later in the week, Harry had a summons to appear before court. The group wrote to Dumbledore for support and began preparing a legal case. In the meantime, however, a month had passed since they had started the process to become animagi.

It was time.

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