80. Vacation

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AN: Hey all, I'm feeling a little better now so I'm going to start writing again. I planned for a few chapters of fluff with one chapter dedicated to each girl but, depending on how much I feel like writing, it might be condensed slightly.

The girls agreed among themselves that they wanted to so something quite mundane. They wanted to go to the beach. They had all taken the sun-resistance injections and were excited to be able to enjoy the sun without feeling miserable. It was mid-winter for them so they booked a flight to Australia and enjoy a summer time Christmas. They had to travel by muggle means, it was too far for a thestral to fly and, to be honest, Amy really wanted to see one of the muggle flying machines.

Hermione had to babysit the girls through the airport. It was complicated and confusing. The muggles led such structured lives compared to wizards or vampires. Muggle travel, it turned out, was awful. They were packed tightly into a metal tube and had to stay still for hours. It was boring, uncomfortable and Amy was sure a werewolf was on the plane because the smell was unbearable.

Still, eventually they arrived. Amy still instinctively winced at the sun but had to keep reminding herself that it wasn't a problem anymore. The had bought a house by the sea, they figured it couldn't hurt to have a base on the other side of the world where they could leave a portal. As Amy looked at the property they'd brought she thought it was... nice? It wasn't to her taste but Pansy, Ginny and Hermione seemed very impressed by it. Luna, as always, was ok with anything. Helena agreed with Amy, it was too modern for her taste.

"Of course these two oldies don't like it. They probably want us in another castle..." Pansy teased as they looked around the house.

"Hey! I'm not old..." Amy protested.

"But you were raised and act like you were born in the BCs!" Hermione joined in on the teasing.

"And you're best friends with a crusty old professor and a literal ancient Greek." Ginny said, flicking Amy's nose playfully.

"I've got to say, Amy. Even to me you have old fashioned taste..." Helena gave a sly smile.

"Et tu, Helena?" Amy acted hurt.

Pansy cackled loudly. "See, you say shit like that!"

Amy grumbled to herself before turning to someone she could count on. "You don't think I act old, do you, Luna?"

She smiled dreamily. "Your youngest uncle was born before Helena." Was all she said.

Even Amy had to laugh.

"Yeah well... What does it say about all of your taste that you're dating me?"

Pansy laughed the loudest. "That we've got none!"

Over the next few days, Amy had plans to spend time individually with each of her girlfriends. For now though, the girls had other ideas. They barely let Amy leave the bed, as soon as one girl was satisfied, another would take her place. Amy didn't mind, it was nice to indulge in pure decadent pleasure with her loves. No work. No power-plays. Just each other.

Still, even they had a limit. So, Amy set about arranging dates for each of her girlfriends. She wanted to give at least a day of personal day of her time for each girl.

They had spent Christmas day in bed but finally decided to get out for her 'birthday'. It would be the last time Amy planned to use her aging potion. It would be thirteen years since her Embrace, since she died. She was now eighteen. She changed very little between seventeen and eighteen physically in comparison to past transformations.

They'd all agreed to not bother particularly with gifts. They shared everything they owned anyway and there was nothing they could want that they couldn't get.

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