3. Catching Up

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Eventually, her reading was interrupted by a soft chuckling.

"Good morning Amy, I was warned I wouldn't find you in your room." Dumbledore greeted, carrying a cup of coffee.

"Professor! Good morning. It seems I lost track of time." She said, looking up to the large clock hanging above the librarian's desk. It was 9am.

He smiled warmly, "Well, I am glad to see you're so eager. I'd offer you some coffee but Marco told me you wouldn't react well to any food or drink. What are you reading?" He asked, pulling up a chair on the other side of the table.

"No professor, I've learnt my lesson. I tried to eat some of the food offered to the thralls once but spent the next week vomiting!" She grimaced at the memory. "I'm just reading over the course material. I must say, potions seems very basic. Herbology will be interesting, I had a garden at home but, naturally, the only things I could grow were those that don't need sunlight. I'm excited to try out the wand! Maybe I'll finally be able to do more advanced spells without setting fire to the target!" She laughed lightly.

As she spoke, he nodded along, "well, I must say, it is impressive that you have managed to learn even basic spells wandlessly. Wandless magic is regarded as a very advanced skill. Its no wonder that you were struggling. I daresay, you will excel now you have the proper tools. Especially with one so attuned to yourself."

She couldn't help but grin as he spoke. For once, she didn't feel frustrated by her failures. Rather, she felt pride at using wandless magic so young. A new wave of excitement washed over her at the possibilities she was now facing. With Dumbledore teaching her, she was sure she would finally begin to really learn.

"Well then, professor, what's the plan for today?" She asked cheerfully, standing up suddenly.

Again, Dumbledore smiled at her eagerness, "today, I'll be testing your understanding of 1st and 2nd year magic to see where the gaps in your knowledge lie. Before we begin though. Do you need breakfast?"

She smiled at his tact with the subject. "I'm fine professor, I don't really use much vitae reading."

"Very well, please, follow me."


Soon enough they found themselves in the great hall. The tables had been cleared away, instead there were a series of items, props and dummies lying around.

"Well then, miss Armati, we might as well use this space. There's no use being cramped in a small classroom." He said, holding out his arms as if to demonstrate the size of the space.

As she followed him in, she once again looked up to the ceiling. She loved it. It allowed her a glimpse of the daytime sky without the discomfort brought by the sun. Once again, she was taken back by the fact this was her life now. Another grin crept onto her face.

"Now then, please come over here, we'll start from the beginning. Please use a spell to lift this feather."

"Wingardium Leviosa" she used the wand, mimicing the movement she perfected with her finger. The ease with which the spell seemed to flow shocked her. Rather than it feeling forced, it instead flowed smoothly. Ok she thought maybe a wand is better.

And so, the day continued, practicing spell after spell. As he watched her, he was continuously making notes, occasionally offering advice. Each day was the same for the next week. She would meet him in the hall, practice spells from the 1st and 2nd year course books while he evaluated her. In the evenings, she would feed and return to the library. It was intense, but she was used to it. Her routine at home was very similar.

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