32. Quidditch World Cup

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The next week was a whirl. Hermione had been horrified to learn that Amy was wearing the horcrux of Herpo the Foul but Amy eventually convinced her it was a good idea. The girls had enjoyed their privillaged position in The Court. Hermione took great joy in the library which was full of texts from vampire authors that were not available elsewhere and offered a unique perspective. Pansy enjoyed time away from her pureblood family and for once being looked up to rather than down upon. The girls also found it freeing to be able to cast magic again.

Unfortunately, they could only stay for a week. Both needed to see their families more before the end of summer. Both were also due to attend the quidditch world cup. The Weasleys had invited Mione while Pansy was going with her family. Amy had no desire to go but Pansy's family had offered to take Helena. Helena would still stay as The Court but would go to stay with Pansy's family from the quidditch world up until the end of the year.

The weeks after Pansy and Hermione returned home were filled with Amy exploring her new relationship with Helena, researching in the library and, secretly, talking to the soul of Herpo.

"So you just need to kill someone with the intention of extending your life for your soul to split?" Amy asked.

"Yes, although it heals quickly unless taken and placed in an object so the murder must be commited just before you create the horcrux."

"Fascinating. Who knows, perhaps I will consider it. One can never have to much reassurance in eternal life. I would be the first vampire to achieve it. I wonder if our souls behave the same."

"It would be an interesting experiment wouldn't it?" The soul sounded genuinely intrigued.

"Tell me, Herpo. How did you create new curses?"

"It's simple, magic is only as limited as the imagination of the caster. Especially once you master voiceless casting. The common spells serve as crutches that an advanced wizard no longer needs."

"Teach me."

The amulet seemed to laugh. "I will try but you are still young. You haven't even finished your education."

"It's never too early to develop good habits."

So, Herpo began teaching her what he could. He was right though, it was a little too advanced but she was piecing it together slowly. The method he teached was as though magic would bend to your will rather than being a simple tool, it was incredible but also nearly impossible to control.

Once Helena had left for the world cup, she was alone.

"Tell me, Herpo." She had gotten used to speaking to the amulet when she was alone. "You are one of the earliest parselmouths, did you learn this skill or were you born with it."

"I was born with the ability."

"A shame. A basilisk would make an excellent companion, if only I could speak to one."

"You have the ring to speak to dragons, do you not? I think a dragon would make just as fine a companion."

"That's correct..." She thought, she could get Marco to procure an egg. If she raised the creature from birth, she would surely be able to control it. "...It will take a few years to mature significantly. Only my friends and I have access to our tower at school..."

She was sure the amulet hummed in approval.

The same day she ordered Marco to find a fertalised dragon egg. A Hungarian Horntail, if he could. With permission from her father, he left immediately.

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