66. Harry's Trial

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Harry's trial was rapidly approaching. Dumbledore had replied to their message to meet at the Burrow and they'll be taken to an Order headquarters. Only Amy, her girlfriends, Harry and Ron went. The other Weasleys would be there anyway.

As they stepped out of the portal, they were met with Molly Weasley beaming at them. Ginny was with her and gave a warm smile to see her friends. Her eyes lingered a while on Amy and her face reddened as she quickly looked away.

"Come along! Come along!" Molly called out as they appeared. "We're on a schedule. Dumbledore is waiting."

She led them to a portkey. It was easier than apparating them all. They all placed a hand on the old toaster and waited for the allocated time. The world lurched around them and they felt as though they were being launched through the air, then it ended. They appeared on a residential stree in London. At Molly's order, the building seemed to part and a new house was in its place. It had always been there, Amy just... hadn't noticed it?

Molly then approached the door of the house and tapped the door with her wand. They heard the locks clicking, then the door opened.

As soon as they were inside they were face-to-face with a smiling Dumbledore and Sirius black. Sirius was making a point not to look at her. Their one and only meeting hadn't exactly been the friendliest.

"Harry!" Sirius called out. The two moving forward to embrace each other. She did appreciate that he was like a father-figure to Harry. She appreciated him for that.

Amy ignored them and approached Dumbledore.

"Professor." She greeted politely.

"Amy. How are you?" He replied, also quite politely but warmly.

"Excellent. We are preparing well for the coming war. We'll be by your side when Voldemort makes his move." She reported.

"And after that?" Dumbledore asked pointedly.

Amy gave him a knowing look but ignored the question. "You have a plan for Harry's trial, I assume?" She asked instead.

He nodded. "We have a witness. I believe you saw her. The elderly woman by the park?"

She nodded, slightly surprised. "She was a witch?"

"A squib." He corrected. "She was our agent, keeping an eye on Harry."

She nodded. "Good. I'm worried they'll try to throw the book at Harry because of his connection to both of us. A witness will make it hard for them to keep up the pretense."

Their conversation was cut short as the rest approached to offer their greetings to Dumbledore. While that was happening, a number of other Order members filed in to meet them. Amy met Tonks, Mundungus, Kingsley and (the real) Moody for the first time. She also saw Lupin and Arthur Weasley among the group.

Dumbledore, Harry and Amy went into a seperate room where she met Mrs Figg, the squib. They spent most of the afternoon going over their plan for the trial. Dumbledore would speak on Harry's behalf. Amy and Mrs Figg would be witnesses. The Ministry knew Amy was present but were suspiciously quiet about that fact. They didn't know about Mrs Figg though and that was their trump card. Dumbledore and Amy discussed their shared theory that someone in the Ministry had sent the dementors. They shouldn't have been present in a muggle neighbourhood and it was too convenient that they appeared where Amy and Harry happened to be. The trial should be straightforward but they were expecting foul play.

On the morning of the trial, Harry was expected to be at the Ministry before Dumbledore, Mrs Figg and Amy so Arthut Weasley escorted him. Amy wished she had gone with him to reassure him but it was too late now.

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