104. Battle of Hogwarts III

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Amy apparated to Herpo. Snape was with him alongside all of Herpo's Elite. They were in a large cave. Surely this wasn't part of the castle. It didn't matter, emerging from a tunnel nearby was Dumbledore followed by a number of aurors and Order members.

Amy and her allies all took flight to quickly land around the tunnel entrance.

"Dumbledore..." Amy said as she landed. Wands were raised against her but Dumbledore raised a hand to calm his allies for now.

"Hello, Ahmose." He said, trying to maintain a civil tone. Truthfully, visions of Grindelwald's broken body collapsing and Amy's sadistic smile were playing again and again as he looked at her.

"What is the point of all this carnage, Albus? Why do you insist on standing against me?" Amy asked.

"I thought, wrongly it seems, that if I gave you a place in our world that you would embrace the light. I see now just how wrong I was..."

Amy laughed out loud, Herpo and Snape both scoffed.

"But Albus... I have embraced the light. Everywhere that we secure power, the world is made brighter."

"The cost is too high!" Dumbledore snapped.

"The cost can never be high enough. Your complacency against the cruelties of the world is a cost I could never pay. You're fighting to keep people oppressed. You are a disappointment, Albus." Amy sneered.

"You make bold claims yet here you stand with Herpo the Foul by your side. Any claims of moral superiority quickly fade when you surround yourself with evil."

Snape spoke up before Herpo. "Oh please. Herpo has proven his dedication to Amy's cause time and time again. At no point has he acted unnecessarily cruelly. He has proven the value of his character a thousand times over. You, however, have only ever displayed your cold hearted nature. You looked after Harry and gave him hope knowing that one day he would have to die. Amy corrected this issue. You sent me to be a double agent, despite my wishes. Amy corrected this issue. You empowered the institutions of slavery and oppression. Amy. Corrected. This. Issue."

"Why are you here, Albus?" Amy continued. "What is this place?"

Dumbledore just stared for a moment. Tension was thick in the air. With lightning speed he raised his wand and fired off a killing curse at Amy. She managed sidestep it. Albus Dumbledore used the killing curse. Amy laughed out loud as the chaos of battle took over the two groups. People ran for cover.

Dumbledore and some of the Order members disappeared into white clouds that quickly travelled deeper into the cave. Amy, Snape and Herpo followed them while the rest of their allies stayed to keep the rest at bay.

Amy managed to catch up to them first. She was able to grab hold of one of the smokey figures and slam it into the ground. Dumbledore.

She laughed as she slammed down onto him, as she did so she grew out the claws on her feet and sunk them into his stomach, piercing deeply.

Before she was able to finish him off a powerful spell knocked her back. Alastor Moody. Herpo quickly engaged him in combat while Snape was fighting Kingsley Shacklebolt.

Despite his deep wound, Dumbledore was quick to return to his feet. After a quick healing spell that stopped the worst of the bleeding he began to duel Amy. The last time they fought he had the Elder Wand and Amy engaged him in a magical fight. Now, Amy had the wand but why would she risk it? Her advantage over Dumbledore was that she was just as capable in a physical fight as she was in a magical duel.

She drew her khopesh and disappeared using the Invisibility Cloak.

He saw that this was a losing battle and once again tried to fly away. Amy was quick to grab him from the air and pull him back to the ground. She slashed at him just managing to nick him slightly before his defensive spell caused the sword to bounce back.

He realised his best chance at survival was to overwhelm Amy with offensive spells. He bagan firing off spells relentlessly forcing Amy to dodge and block constantly.

She roared in frustration and turned his own shadow into a piercing spike. He only just managed to get out of the way but stumbled on the uneven cave floor in the process. This was her chance. Amy used her vampiric speed to dark forward. Her sword cleaved into its target. Still, a defensive spell caused it to recoil back out. Nevertheless, Dumbledore's right arm was now lying on the floor. The old wizard desperately sealed his stump to stop himself bleeding out.

With each attack that chipped away at the old man, the larger Amy's advantage grew. He was weak with shock and bloodloss. He was forced to use his off-hand. She smirked, watching her prey grow ever more desperate.

She heard a loud crunch. In the corner of her eye she saw Herpo stepping on Moody.

"One down." Amy said playfully to Dumbledore.

Kingsley was now forced to divide his attention between Snape and Herpo, both of whom were excellent duelists. It didn't take long for him to fall too.

"That's two." Amy smirked.

She pointed her wand square against his chest.

Avada Kedavra

Dumbledore was dead.

From further in the cave a bright light suddenly burst out. Laughter echoed through the air.


His laughter could mean nothing good for them. Before Amy could travel down the cave to investigate several black clouds flew past travelling out of the cave.

Across their mental connection, all of Amy's girlfriends were reporting Death Eaters and vampires entering the battle. The already exhausted defenders were being pushed back. Dumbledore's forces were shattered but were unable to retreat. They were being slaughtered.

The trio apparated back to the surface, taking Dumbledore's body with them.

The sky was thick with flying figures. Beastial vampires from clan Gangrel were charging throughout the castle, tearing into any one unfortunate enough to get in their way. From a distance she could hear howls. A lot  of howls. She looked up. It was now late evening and a full moon was rising in the sky. Fucking hell...

"They have werewolves." Amy warned everyone. "A whole army by the sounds of it."

Through Amy's connection to Voldemort from eating most of his soul, she could feel that there were two parts of him nearby. One was pulsing with newly acquired power, likely a result of whatever the light was in the cave. The other, Amy had no doubt, was a horcrux. Lucius had told her that the snake, Nagini, was a likely host of his soul. The last two pieces. It could all end tonight.

Amy reached out through their marks and summoned all members of the Legion of the Rose who weren't already here. They needed reinforcements and they had plenty of fresh troops ready.

She also raised her wand, channelled power through the resurrection stone, used all of her necromantic knowledge. Accross the entire castle, the thousands of bodies of the falled bagan to stir. The few remaining Dumbledore loyalists watched in horror, realising that their fallen comrades now swelled the armies of their enemy. The Death Eaters were also shocked and, in some cases, horrified but didn't hold the same emotional attachment to the dead that now turned against them.

The remaining dragons quickly set about burning as many bodies as possible. The bodies of the dragons would require too much energy to resurrect right now so Amy contented herself to an army of human inferi. Amy ordered Sethi to focus on killing any remaining dragons before they could burn all the bodies.

The tireless dead and reinforcements gave an opportunity for the exhausted defenders to rest for a moment and prepare for another battle. Morale took a huge hit with the arrival of another army but Dumbledore's body served as a reminder that Amy would always emerge victorious.

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