105. Battle of Hogwarts IV

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Among the inferi, Amy could sense Bill and Charlie Weasley as well as Fleur Delacour, Bill's fiancee. Amy passed the message along to the Weasleys through their mental connection. She could feel the sorrow from them but they understood. They had stood on the opposite side of a battle that they had won. Their deaths were not unexpected.

While the inferi held the line, the exhausted defenders took a moment to eat, or feed, and rest. Their portal network meant that fresh reinforcements and supplies could be brought in constantly. They could also get the wounded back to a safe place. Despite the moment of relief, the near constant howling outside reminded everyone that a whole new hell was about to descend on them.

Amy was tempted to send everyone home and finish off the Death Eaters another day but it was clear that Voldemort had gained a noticable increase in power. She couldn't let him leave here. She couldn't grant him a victory. This would end tonight.

She wanted to get a message out both to her allies and to her enemies. She tried something she'd never attempted before but had read about in Osiris' tomes. She closed her eyes and reached out to all the dead nearby, both reanimated and lifeless bodies. She began to speak through them all. She could hear her voice coming from several directions around her.

"Albus Dumbledore is dead. We have broken the back of the old order and now the world is ours. A new dawn is upon us. There are those who approach us now who would corrupt our peace. They would take advantage of the work we have done to bring about a genocidal tyranny under the rule of a power hungry cretin.

"Time and time again, the world underestimates us. The world has stood against us and we stood taller. We have trained for this, there is nothing that can stop us. Not Dumbledore. Not Voldemort. Not even Death itself can hold us back. We have conquered every obstacle in our way and given freedom and joy to many. Tonight we make one final push. Tomorrow will be the first day of a new era. Tonight we fight, die and rise again. Tomorrow we may rest and live once again. Tonight tyranny dies. Tomorrow eternity is born."

She could hear cheers and excited chatter around her. Through the eyes of the inferi who were fighting the enemy she could see the doubt setting in. To be facing an wall of dead talking in unison while the dead of your comrades also joined in was incredibly unsettling. Even more so when the speaker sounded so sure of victory.

"Voldemort, I am coming for you. I have already eaten most of your soul. I will have the rest before the night is through. Nothing can save you now. Anyone else who stands against us tonight has no place in the dream of tomorrow. This is your last chance."

She released her hold on the dead and prepared for the final battle.

Once ready, all of the now rested defenders followed Amy to the front lines again. The higher vampires among them took flight, filling the sky like a swarm of bats. The beasts charged out past the inferi lines and plowed into the Death Eaters and rebel vampires. Amy ordered Sethi to burn the Forbidden Forest. Any remaining centaurs would be hiding there and she was sure that was where the werewolf army were currently waiting. The dragon obliged and set about scorching the entire forest. The howls and yelping that soon followed confirmed Amy's suspicion. Eventually the werewolves began fleeing the forest and out into the open. The vampire loyalists began descending down on them. The werewolves were largely of a singular strength. Amy's vampires, however, were mostly high vampires. The werewolves were no real match for them, just as long as they couldn't reach the mortal troops and infect them.

Amy left the command to her loves. She had prey to hunt. She could sense the pieces of Voldemort's soul so, for now, she chased the lesser of the two. Herpo and Snape continued to follow her and, at Amy's request, Harry also joined. Voldemort was his nemesis as much as he was Amy's.

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