58. Meeting the Parkinsons

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A week later they all decided to appear at their parents' homes to show that they don't need help getting home from the train. Amy joined Pansy. As much as her parents disapproved of her and she did of them, they were still family. She wanted to see if a relationship could be salvaged with them.

The portal had been placed in a far corner of the Parkinson estate. Amy hadn't met Pansy's parents when she was last there. She was somewhat nervous. She wanted to help her girlfriend but knew they'd have trouble with her being there.

As they approached the manor, Amy appreciated the architecture of the building. It was a baroque style building and very impressive for a mortal house.

They were pleasantly surprised when Pansy's key worked.

A house elf apparated in front of them once they entered. It's eyes going wide.

"Mistress Pansy! We weren't expecting you back so soon."

She smiled at the elf. "Please go let mum and dad know I'm here."

The elf nodded respectfully and disapparated.

Soon enough, Pansy's parents appeared in a doorway. They were masking their emotions well to mortal eyes but Amy and Pansy could feel their emotions. They were scared and angry but also a little relieved.

Amy smiled, they were happy their daughter still wanted to see them. They could work with that.

The two approached with a stiff look, clearly used to maintaining a superior impression.

"Pansy." Her father said with a stiff nod.

"Mum, dad. Lets talk. We all know there's no point maintaining this fascade."

He smiled lightly and the two seemed to relax a little but would still look stiff to anyone but purebloods.

He gestured to a room and they all went in silently. It was a form of living room. Two sofas faced each other by a fireplace.

Amy and Pansy took their seats on one while the parents took the other. The two girlfriends held each other affectionately as they sat. A gesture that did not go unnoticed by the parents who were looking very clearly at the girls' arms wrapped around each other.

The elf appeared beside them.

"Would you like some refreshments?" Her father asked.

"Oh!" Amy said, surprised. "No thanks, they don't agree with me..."

"Ah yes, of course..." He said.

"So..." Pansy started after the elf had gotten her parents their drinks. "Our cards are already on the table but now we all have none of our friends around. I'll start with the simplest..." She was nervous. "Mum, dad, meet my girlfriend, Amy. Amy this is my dad, Alexander, and my mum, Valerie."

"A pleasure to meet you both." Amy said with a smile.

They nodded in response. "The pleasure is ours." Her father spoke stiffly. "I must say, Pansy. We were surprised to hear that you had a girlfriend..." He said with some distaste.

"Well, it's true. I like girls. I am a lesbian. Amy was the first person to raise me up instead of trying to push me down." Pansy said.

"But what of our family..." Her mother spoke for the first time. "You are the last Parkinson after your father."

"Mum... I'm technically dead already. I can't have children if I wanted to."

Both her parents seemed as though they'd been slapped. They hadn't considered that. Her mother seemed as though she was about to cry but managed to restrain herself.

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