21. Shrieking Shack

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They stayed in the classroom all night. They were all keen to meet their newest member. As it turns out, Pansy and Hermione shared a passion for Arithmancy. Helena bonded with the girl by their joined critisisms of the Bloody Baron. Pansy impressed Amy by being surprisingly adept at picking up new magics. By the end of the night, they'd conjured up beds and decided to spend the night there. None of the girls particularly wanted to return to their own dorms and face the hostility of their houses.

By morning, Pansy wasn't necessarily a 'best friend' or even a friend, yet. But all three of the original group had a new appreciation for her. Unfortunately, that night Sirius Black had apparently broken into the boys dorm of Gryffindor. Security was tightened around the castle from that point on. Helena and Amy struggled to stay in the library without being told to move on. They couldn't find empty classes to practice in without Filch finding them. There were even trolls patrolling the hallways near the Gryffindor tower.

To add to their frustrations, they had to endure Ron acting as though he was a celebrity. Hearing him talk, you'd think he personally fought Sirius off himself.

Luckily, Amy was still able to have her potions evening with Snape. Being with a teacher let her get away with being out after hours. Amy spent this time to brew the potion Hermione had rediscovered. It was expensive to make. Snape, who had long since worked out Amy's secret, or part of it, was intrigued by the mix. As much as he was annoyed by Hermione's know-it-all attitude during class, he had to admit that he was incredibly impressed.

Despite it all, the girls were keen to continue their extra studies. Amy and Helena had started to join Hermione for meals in the great hall. Ron and Harry were still angry with her so she could do with the company. Harry had been trying to repair their relationship but insisted on taking Ron's side and then, when Hermione missed the quidditch match, he gave up. The first day that Pansy joined them for dinner it felt as though the whole hall was looking at them. Pansy, the bully queen of Slytherin was now hanging out with two muggle-borns and the Ravenclaw ghost. It made no sense. They didn't care. The four of them were over caring what anyone else thought. They'd all been targets of their erratic and hostile attitudes.

Ron and Harry glared at the girls as they ate, a disgusted look on Ron's face while Harry seemed concerned. The Slytherins were throwing similar glares. They ignored them, they were happy.

It was now approaching time for the next Hogsmeade trip. Helena was unable to leave the castle so it was just Amy, Hermione and Pansy. They followed their usual routines, Amy restocked on potions ingredients, bought some more books and some more blood lollipops.

Once they'd done their shopping Pansy spoke up. "Have you two been to the Shrieking Shack yet? They say its haunted by some horrible ghosts."

This piqued Amy's interest, she looked at Hermione, who shrugged before nodding.

"Sure, lets check it out."

When they arrived at the fence, Amy thought it just looked like an abandoned building. She couldn't sense any ghosts.

"Are you sure its haunted? I can't feel anything." Amy hummed.

Pansy shrugged, "No idea, maybe its just a school tradition."

Amy smiled. "Wan't to check it out?"

Pansy laughed, "You know it, Armati."

Hermione froze slightly but decided they'd ultimately be able to fight anything there. "Fine, lets go." She said decisively, She thought she might chicken out if she thought any more.

The three girls giggling and teasing each other's nerves, climbed the fence and started to make their way up the hill. Still, Amy sensed no ghosts. She did feel a few animals though.

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