84. Shifting Alliances

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The next few days were a whirlwind of activity. Needless to say, the girls didn't return to their holiday. Fred and George had willingly asked to be turned. Partly because they wanted to commit fully to Amy's cause and partly to spite their parents. George was sired by Luna and Fred was sired by Ginny. Luna's parents also committed themselves fully. Xenophilius was sired by Luna while Pandora was sired by Herpo.

Regarding the Blood Alchemy, Herpo's team had discovered that merging most bloodlines was relatively simple. There were some complications. Amy's bloodline could not be passed to anyone who wasn't originally a witch/wizard. Attempting to introduce it to a muggle vampire would kill them instantly. Also, the Malkavian gift of prophesy couldn't be seperated from their innate madness. It was decided that they would remain an independent bloodline with no crossover. The tests were promising. Amy even took an experimental injection. She could now use the Lasombra shadow magic, the Hecata's connection to the dead, the Toreador's seductive charm... She had it all... All of the innate power of each of the loyal bloodlines without their usual drawbacks. She felt the creeping sensation again, the feeling that godhood was in her reach. All she had to do was reach out and take it.

Seamus eventually emerged from his chambers. His rage and dispair had cooled into an ice cold fury. He trained night and day, taking no breaks. He always listened out if any members of the Order had been found.

Grandfather had been talking to Winky a lot recently. He considered the elves of today to be an abhorration. Apparently they used to serve for the land but that innate desire was corrupted so that they served humans instead. He was working on reversing it but was grateful that Amy had been attempting to brute force de-condition Winky.

They all decided that they wouldn't be returning to school. They spent time fortifying their tower so they could maintain a presence in the school. They would have a meeting with 'Amy's Army' when the term started and organise a new system to continue their classes. Amy wanted to start picking out those with potential to be loyal. She needed to step up her recruitment of them into a real army.

Word was spreading fast that they'd been attacked. Snape visited early on, looking pale.

"Amy, I'm so sorry... I had no idea!" He said, making his way quickly over to her. "Dumbledore announced the attack to the rest of the Order yesterday. He presented it as a victory. We had new allies who could kill vampires, he said... He completely glossed over the fact that one of our students was killed. If I'd known..."

"Sev, it's alright. They clearly kept it secret from the rest of the order. My own interrogation points the finger at Dumbledore, Sirius and Arthur Weasley. We're all in shock at the betrayal."

He looked shocked. Clearly that bit of news wasn't part of Dumbledore's speech to the Order.

"Arthur handed his own children over to be killed?"

"I believe he was key to the plan. He invited the boys to the Burrow, where they were attacked. Both Molly and Arthur have gone into hiding."

Snape hummed. He was realising how much Dumbledore had been cutting him out.

"It's quite telling, Amy, that I can get more information about the Order's actions from you than I can from being a member. Dumbledore clearly doesn't trust me anymore."

Amy put a hand on his shoulder, suddenly a lot more concerned for her friend.

"Sev, I think you should get out of there... He knows we're close. He probably already suspects you're a spy. I'd rather you be safe... The door is always open to join us fully."

He smiled sadly.

"I'd like to... For now though, I am still a Death Eater and You-Know-Who is much less forgiving."

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