5. First Day at School

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Having found a friend in Helena made the rest of the summer pass much more quickly for Amy. It was now the evening before the school reopened and the two girls were sitting on the bench in the courtyard where they first met.

"It'll get a lot more busy here soon, you know?" Helena said sadly.

"I'm nervous, the only mortals I've interacted with are Snape and Dumbledore, what if I mess up, what if I can't fit in? At home there were around 100 of us spread over a space much larger than the castle. It sounds as though there will be significantly more people tomorrow. I- I don't know if I can do it Helena." Amy vented, leaning towards Helena, wishing she could rest her head on the girls shoulder.

Helena looked at her, with understanding. "Every year, I worry what the students will think of me. I always worry but always find at least some people with kindness. You are sweet, funny, pretty..." She trailed off. "You'll find friends, Amy, I'm sure of it. Besides, I'll be here in the nights. You'll always have a friend in me."

Amy looked up to the girl with a smile. "I'm glad I met you Helena. You know, you're my first real friend and if you weren't here, I think I'd be sick with lonliness."

Helena blushed lightly, "And I'm glad I met you."

The two girls settled into a comfortable silence leaning towards each other, wishing they could support each other as they watched the stars. There they stayed until morning.


By the afternoon, Amy was waiting nervously in Dumbledore's office. They had agreed that she would wait outside until the first years were sorted until she joined in to be sorted. As she was waiting, Dumbledore was telling her about some mass murderer who had escaped from some form of inprisonment. Amy wondered why the killer was not simply killed if he was such a threat but the answer she settled on was the usual, mortals and their weird ways. Apparently there were some form of soul sucking beings that would be stationed around the school this year. The concept was, frankly, terrifying.

Eventually, it was time. The students had already gathered in the hall. The first years lined in a long queue waiting to be sorted. Amy stood at the back of this queue, towering over the young students. Once she was in the hall she could feel eyes on her. She made sure to focus straight ahead so as to now show how self conscious she was. The slow crawk forward was torture, she heard whispers about the tall 1st year.

"Bloody hell, look at the size of that one. Wonder if she's part giant." She heard one boy whisper much too loudly as she passed.

"Ronald Weasley, would you shut your mouth. How would you like to stand in front of everyone to be judged on your body?" A girls voice snapped back at him.

Finally, she was at the front of the hall. All the first years sorted into their new houses. Dumbledore stood in front of her and gave her a small wink.

"And now, we have a new transfer into the school who will be joining the 3rd years. Please extend a warm welcome to Amy Armati." There was a weak clap throughout the hall. "Step forward dear."

She took her seat on the stool, making sure not to make eye contact with anyone while a hat was placed on her hear. Instantly she heard a voice.

Hmm, you are a strange one. No pureblood but also not exactly muggleborn. Brave when you need to be, loyal to your friends, a knowledge seeker and also ambitious and cunning. While brave, you avoid ever having to be so. While loyal, your loyalty is hard earned. While a seeker of knowledge, you often persue it without wisdom. Your ambition and cunning are often not your own but guided by another.

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