Thank You!

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Well... It's done. I don't really know what to say. To be honest, I've never finished a story!

I just want to say a huge thanks to all of you. Anyone who has read this far either now or in the future, thank you so so so much.

When I started writing this on the 1st Dec 2022 (It's now 9th Apr 2023), I did so just for a bit of fun. I never imagined anyone actually reading anything I wrote. Throughout this journey your votes and comments have always brought a smile to my face. Those of you who read each chapter as it came out, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your constant eagerness for more really helped motivate me to finish the next part, then the next and so on. The fact that you cared enough to come back to read each update made so incredibly happy.

When I took breaks, especially the long one from early Feb to Apr, the fact that people didn't lose interest made my heart jump with joy. So I'll never say this enough, thank you!

Now, my thoughts on this story... When I started I didn't really "plan" for a world conquest ending. I mean... sure I planned for Amy to lead vampires to rule... over the world. I dunno, I didn't really consider that that would mean I had to write a world conquest story! When it came to writing the war, I froze and couldn't get over a mental block, hence the break. In the end, instead of a long drawn out war that I didn't want to write and would honestly be boring to read, I left most of it to brief descriptions and focused on the final all-or-nothing battle for a more satisfying ending. I hope that worked well!

Overall I'm happy with the development of most characters but feel like some could have been done better. The Bellatrix line especially should have been longer but I struggled to stretch the story to fit it. There were also a number of characters that I planned to involve more but kinda... forgot... The Hogwarts ghosts; Soot; the leaders of the Sphinxes, Naga and Aqrabuamelu; some of the leaders of the Vampire Clans; Vlad, Marco and Alexios. Yeah... whoops!

So... What's next?

As you may or may not know, I briefly started a Star Wars story during my break.  ̶S̶o̶r̶r̶y̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶a̶y̶,̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶m̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶a̶b̶a̶n̶d̶o̶n̶e̶d̶.̶.̶.̶   I'll be writing more for this occasionally but might not be regular.

I have ideas rattling round about a story focusing on two twins from the Gaunt family, based in the Golden Trio era. It would have two protagonists. A straight/bi boy and a lesbian girl. They would aim to restore their family's reputation and wealth by any means necessary. This would have a vaguely gangster inspired feeling and, unlike this book, the characters wont be super overpowered. They probably will be unrepentant arseholes.

Any thoughts?

Also... spoiler for Hogwarts Legacy below (Don't worry, I didn't support any bigots in my method of playing.)*****

Yes, the power that Voldemort claimed under Hogwarts was from the game. I wanted to leave it vague in the story so people who hadn't played the game weren't spoiled but if you know you know.

Blood Magic - Golden Trio EraWhere stories live. Discover now