88. Battle of Nurmengard Castle

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Weeks passed. Everyone was training intensely. Marco and Amy were teaching her friends to use their new weapons. They were also all provided an assualt rifle and a pistol each and practiced to use them. Likewise, anyone who committed fully to them by becoming a vampire was also armed, although, their swords weren't goblin made.

The students of Hogwarts who had been marked reported that the school had become very hostile to them. Teachers were acting coldly towards them and unwilling to teach anything advanced. Umbridge was throwing detentions at them for any minor disturbance. Dumbledore gave thinly veiled warnings to them during meal times. More and more of them simply stopped attending and chose to live fulltime in their pocket dimension.

Grandfather had been teaching Dobby and Winky how they can free other elves. They would be able to slip unnoticed into the places where elves worked and free them. Their task would be to free as many elves as possible and either kill cruel owners or report them to Pansy who would deal with them.

Amy had been testing out the resurrection stone with the cloak and it seemed that by wearing both, she could enhance the power of them. The cloak became even harder to detect using spells and even acted as a barrier against them. The ring was capable of not only pulling souls into the world but manipulating and altering them. Using both, she was also able to turn the cape visible so she was able to wear it all the time without being half invisible. The cloak was an incredibly dark black. So dark that details seemed to get lost in it and it appeared simply as a dark shape. The experimentation proved one thing to her, she needed the wand.

Her experimentation with blood and the absorbtion of other bloodlines into her own had also allowed her and her friends to access higher forms of blood magic as well as shadow magic. She could command the shadows. She could darken a room, smother an enemy or even turn them corporeal and have them tear an enemy apart themselves.

Despite these rises in power, Amy had heard that Dumbledore was likewise gathering strength. The Order and their Templar allies were integrating various vampire and monster hunters from around the world. They had taken in refugees from the Ministry who had been working to free others from the Death Eater's control. Worse, they were creating a web of alliances with Ministries from around the world, making it harder for her allies to operate openly. Businesses, crime organisations and government infiltrations of the vampire clans were being countered in the muggle world.

Amy was sure that Dumbledore was also practicing new forms of magic. She knew he would not be complacent. Most known Order members hadn't been seen for a while though. Amy had a plan to draw him out. The resistance was mounting because they had hope. She had to crush it now. She had to kill Dumbledore.

She had recently been told by an imperiused Ollivander that Dumbledore had a lover. One that he had never fully let go of. One that was still alive. Gellert Grindelwald. Even better, he was a prisoner. He was trapped with no escape. Even better, he was the last known owner of the Elder Wand.

Amy, her lovers, Herpo and Seamus gathered at Sethi's home. Harry was still too emotionally conflicted to face Dumbledore and Ron stayed with him. Tracey, Daphne and Millicent were working on her palace. Anyone else was still to inexperienced for this. Amy was worried about Seamus. He still hadn't said a word and clearly was itching for some form of revenge. She was worried he'd try to kill Grindelwald before he could be used as bait. He insisted on coming so the others offered to keep an eye on him.

She told a number of her vampire allies and anyone with the mark to be ready. Depending on if Dumbledore brings allies, they might need reinforcements.

Amy mounted up on Sethi's shoulders. He was growing incredibly fast and was now forty foot long. The largest Hungarian Horntails reached around fifty feet. Amy wanted more for him. With his consent she had started researching ways to make him grow well beyond that limit. They hadn't had time to test anything yet though. This would be the first time he had accompanied her on a mission. She had been too protective of him while he was smaller.

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