52.Soul Eater

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Months passed. The group fell into a comfortable routine. The girls would set aside time to train their childer. Amy would spend time training Luna and teaching Winky, reading through Osiris' tomes or visiting snape to research potions together.

Her relationship with Luna was progressing comfortably. She was leaving the pace to Luna but the girl was always clear when she wanted something more.

Winky was becoming comfortable with the luxury and with going against wizarding rules on occasion. She knew everything. About Sethi. About their vampirism. About their murders. All of it. She never once expressed disgust or an intention to tell anyone.

Osiris' tomes were still proving hard to work through. Nevertheless, she was making progress and every day it was getting easier.

Snape, as always, enjoyed his time with her and her with him. They worked incredibly well together and Amy would even dare to call him her best (non-girlfriend) friend. He even knew about Sethi and her little vampire clan. She knew he was loyal to Dumbledore but she also knew that he wasn't telling Dumbledore anything they talked about. What she didn't tell him about, were the murders. She didn't want him to hate her.

She tried to make sure she dedicated time to each of her girlfriends but some months it was hard. They all had so much going on. Nevertheless, they were happy.

Harry and Amy were told towards the end of May that they were to meet on the quidditch pitch in the morning.

When the arrived, Harry seemed devistated at what had happened to the pitch. Low growths of hedges had started growing.

"A maze..." Amy realised.

She started trying to work out the layout of the young hedge growths.

Soon after, Krum and then Fleur arrived.

Krum was mostly recovered now but still walked with a limp. Amy smiled to herself.

"Fleur, how are you?" She asked.

"I am good, and you?" She smiled. The girl had been less intimidated by her since she'd saved her sister.

"I'm great. Me and Harry were just discussing. Looks to be a maze."

Fleur nodded. "Good eye. I can see it."

Ludo eventually joined them and explained the coming task to them. The cup would be placed at the centre of the maze. All manner of creatures and magical traps will be placed inside.

Afterwards, the two made their way back to the castle. Amy spoke quietly. "Harry, I want you to know. In the coming task, I intend to stay with you and protect you. To be honest, I don't care about winning. I only wanted a challenge. It's obvious that someone put your name into the cup and we still don't know why. I will stay with you and guide you safely to victory."

He nodded with a half smile. "Thanks. I could say the same about you too though. Your name found its way in there too. We'll protect each other and win together." He said holding out his hand to shake on it.

She shook his hand with a smile. "Together, then." They walked for a while before she laughed slightly. "You know, we could be disqualified for collusion like that."

"Good, that'd throw a wrench in whoever-it-was' plans." He replied with a laugh.

"How are your lessons with Mi going?" She asked. She had been very hands off with them. She wanted the girls to learn and grow by themselves.

"Really good, I think. She's a great teacher, to the surprise of no one." He laughed. "She focuses a lot on theory while I hear that Pans is having Ron jump straight in. I'm not surprised. I think I prefer it Mione's way."

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