72. The High Council

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AN: New Years plans got cancelled at the last minute so I'll be writing a little tonight, only a short chapter but I've not been able to do much recently <3 Happy New Year!

The girls were livid when they had heard what Umbridge had tried to do during Amy's detention. They decided they would address it during their DA meetings. They wanted any more accounts of punishments that Umbridge had issued. The woman would be a great unifying factor for them. She could use her to turn the members of the DA against the Ministry and frame herself as the alternative.

She was excited for the next day. She had secured a meeting with the High Council of the Camarilla, the closest thing vampirekind had to a ruling body, although, their hold was very loose and not everyone respected their authority. They never interacted directly with outsiders. Clearly the vision that Anubis had forced on all vampires was cause enough for them to make an exception.

Her lovers and Herpo would also be attending, them all being her direct childer and the most powerful of her followers.

They all gathered at The Court. Marco, Vlad and Alexios would join her along with six of her father's old honour guard. They were the 'warriors' of the court, not that they ever needed them. They acted more as enforcers. Still, Amy wanted as much protection as possible. It was likely that the Council, rightfully, saw her as a threat to their power and would want to have her assassinated. The honour guard were the childer of her 'sister', Ammit. They were permanently encased in their enchanted Egyptian style armour using blood magic and each armed with a long halberd and a khopesh, along with also carrying a set of enchanted stakes.

They would be flying there. All present switched to their vampiric form and flew up. Amy was surprised to see that even the armour of the honour guard shifted to accompany their new body. The meeting was taking place just outside Milan so their flight was relatively short. They approached the old manor in their vampiric forms, it proved that they were 'purer' vampires, especially considering Amy's size. Men in suits approached them as they walked and wordlessly escorted them. They all switched to their human forms as they walked.

The ornate door to the manor opened as they approached. More men dressed in fine suits waited inside and, again, wordlessly escorted them. The manor was very impressive, although less lavish than she expected. Then again, she figured this wasn't their permanent residence. They'd be fools to invite her to their home without knowing they could trust her.

They were escorted to a room at the back of the house. Inside, they found a circular, windowless, room with a large circle table, thirteen robed and masked vampires were seated around one side of it, one representing each clan, she figured.

She entered confidently with a smile.

"Councillors." She greeted them. "A pleasure to meet you all. I trust tonight will be productive."

She didn't wait for an invitation to sit, she just did. She indicated that her companions should do the same. Hermione sat on her right and Helena on her left. The honour guards spaced themselves evenly behind them, they were still in their vampiric forms.

The figures masked their emotions well and their masks gave little away, they just blankly stared back.

"A rare pleasure indeed to meet a third generation vampire." The central figure spoke. He had a light voice and a latin sounding accent, it reminded her of the Roman members of The Court.

She smiled. At least one of them spoke. "The last." She nodded.

"May I ask..." A female voice spoke up from one of the leftmost members of the council. Her accent was quite South Asian, an ancient variant of a Tamil accent, Amy would guess. "We were under the impression that the ancients had been in slumber for millenia... Why had Anubis not reached out to us?" She asked.

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