47. Triple Homicide

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TW: Descriptions of murder of minor characters

The scene in front of them shocked them. A moment after they arrived, Helena also apparated beside them. Millicent Bulstrode, Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis were cruciating Pansy and laughing. All three on one target at once. They were in a back street of Hogsmeade.

The three Slytherin girls eyes went wide as Pansy's friends appeared out of nowhere. Amy didn't even waste time, she mentally warned the girls what she was about to do. She pointed her wand at Daphne, the new ringleader since Pansy left. "Avada Kedavra." A green flash. The girl dropped lifelessly to the ground. Her two friends were about to scream but Hermione and Helena cast a silencing spell.

Amy approached Pansy who was recovering. She was crying and, as soon as she saw Amy, leaped into her arms. "It's ok, love. They won't hurt you again." Amy said as she hugged her tightly.

Amy pulled back gently and turned to the silently weeping Tracey and Millicent.

"I will lift the silencing spell. I want you to answer my questions. If you scream, your death will be slow. Do you understand." They hesitatingly nodded.

She lifted the spell. "Why were you torturing Pans."

"S-s-she-" Millicent tried to speak but couldn't over her tears.

"Daphne she-" Tracey choked a sob. "She said that you tortured Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. She wanted to teach you a lesson."

Amy nodded. That was all she really cared about. She pointed her wand at the girls."Avada Kedavra. Avada Kedavra."

"Hey, what's going on down here?" A voice called. Luckily it was dark out by now. They used their vampiric speed to escape.

They made their way quickly to the castle. They wanted to be seen there before they could conceivably have made it there. They entered the great hall mid dinner.

"Remember, girls. Straight face, we just came to see our friends. Freak out in here." Amy told them mentally.

"Amy... this is bad. This is really bad." Hermione freaked out a little.

"No one saw. Mi, no trouble will come to us. We didn't get a chance to get rid of them so there will be an investigation. We will be seen as suspects because of who we are but they don't even have a crumb of evidence."

"Did you really have to kill them, Am?" Helena asked.

"Fuck yes she did." Pansy growled. "Those bitches fucking tortured me."

"It's true. I love you all and if anyone lays a finger on you, they have forfeited their life." Amy agreed.

"Hey Harry, Ron." Amy smiled as she sat at the Gryffindor table.

"Amy, I know you're used to doing things this way. But you can't just kill people who annoy you." Hermione mentally scolded.

"Hey, that was quick, was it anything serious?" Harry asked.

"They weren't just annoying me! They were torturing Pans. They had her alone in a back street. They could've done anything to her." Amy responded mentally.

"Yeah, nothing much. She just dropped her bags coming back from Hogsmeade. She kind of overreacted." Amy said with a laugh.

"I agree with Mi. You overreacted." Helena thought. "But its too late to worry about that. We need to make sure no one can pin it to us. Pans, did anyone see you with them?"

Ron laughed. "An overreaction? Before you left we thought someone had died or something!"

"No one saw. They followed me when I broke away from the boys and Lena to go buy a new quill. I didn't expect them to torture me though." Pansy said in their mental communication.

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