69. Father of Basilisks

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Most teachers continued to treat them as usual, likely on the instructions of Dumbledore. The students, however, were varied. Those who read the Daily Prophet a lot absolutely hated the group and believed that Amy was planning to overthrow the government and be the new Dark Lord. The reputation seemed to cheer up the muggleborns who had warmed to her after her interview last year when she declared she would tear down any blood supremacists. Likewise, quite a few purebloods had a new respect for the group after hearing about how their parents had worked alongside them.

On their first day back, they had Defense Against the Dark Arts. Judging by what other students had said, this new teacher was awful. A common agreement was that she would only ever teach basic theory.

Her friends from her year all filed into the classroom together. The pink woman once again glared at them.

"Ah, the bloodsuckers have joined us..." She sneered.

"Clearly..." Amy said dryly. Pansy cackled.

"You'll have to catch up in your own time." She said.

"I actually wanted to ask you about that." Hermione spoke up. "This book is very basic, is this seriously all we're coving this year?"

Umbridge looked offended. "This is the Ministry approved syllabus. This book will cover everything you need to pass your exams."

Hermione scoffed. "Is that all that matters? What about being prepared for threats?"

Umbridge frowned deeply. "The only threats are all of you. Bloodsuckers, elf lovers, mud-" She stopped herself before letting her mask slip there. She cleared her throat. "Nevertheless, this is the material approved by the Ministry, so this is what I'll teach you."

Amy stood up, the rest joining her. "Well then, it's pointless being here. We're here to learn and we're better served using this time elsewhere." Amy walked out of the room and the rest followed. Surprisingly the rest of the joint Slytherin and Gryffindor class, except for Crabbe and Goyle followed: Draco, Blaise, Theodore from the Slytherins and Neville, Parvati, a reluctant Lavender, Fay Dunbar and Alice Tolipan from the Gryffindors.

"Amy wa-" Neville called.

"Amy!" Draco called, making Neville freeze.

She turned to the group that had followed her into the hallway, she smiled when she saw the size of the group.

"We all know something is coming." Parvati spoke next. "I think you're ultimately good but it doesn't matter. We need to learn how to defend ourselves."

Theodore nodded along. "Will you teach us?"

Neville eagerly joined. "You did ask anyone who wanted to fight Voldemort to find you at the start of the year..."

Amy raised an eyebrow. "You all realise everyone associated with me just had to be in hiding for a month? Me and Harry were in Azkaban. I'm on the Ministry's shitlist and if I teach you, you will be too."

Lavender looked terrified but Parvati elbowed her. Everyone else either shrugged or nodded.

"The Ministry wants to pretend nothing is happening." Fay spoke up. "Its obvious something is coming. Whether its you or You-Know-Who or Dumbledore..."

"You killed a dragon last year. You came first in all the trials. You clearly know how to fight. We need to learn and you're our best, and likely only chance..." Neville pleaded.

Amy looked to her friends. She saw the three girls she had killed who were now followers, even if they were too scared to speak to her directly. Pansy nodded confidently. Hermione shrugged and nodded.

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