82. Vacation III

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When Pansy and Amy stumbled back into the house, covered in blood and feeling each other up, Ginny seemed shocked, the other girls rolled their eyes. They knew that Pansy and Amy often fed into each others more sadistic sides. They expected it even.

They all stayed well clear of the bedroom that evening.

In the morning, it was Luna's turn to have Amy for the day.

They were going to look for dropbears. Luna was quite insistant that they were real and, as far as Amy was concerned, Luna was often right.

Luna packed a backpack with different colourful gadgets, took Amy's hand and the two made their way to a forest. They walked aimlessly, taking in the nature. Luna and Amy didn't often say much when they were out. They didn't need to. Sometimes it was as though Luna understood Amy at a deeper level. She saw Amy in a way no one else could. Their presence was all the comfort each other needed.

They stopped a few times to look at the local wildlife. Luna especially enjoyed stroking some especially friends koalas. She asked them if they knew any dropbears. They didn't reply.

"It's really nice here." Luna said suddenly after they'd been walking for a while.

"It is. Do you think you'd like to live here?"

Luna seemed thoughtful for a while.

"I don't think so. I'd like living anywhere with you though..."

Amy smiled. "I'd be happy to have you living anywhere with me. But I think I like what we're creating in Egypt."

"Me too. Do you really think you'll be able to open a door between life and death?"

"You're not sure?"

"I just want people to be able to be with their loved ones. Like I am with mum now..."

Amy smiled warmly and looked at her. Luna really was one of the kindest people she knew.

"It's hard to say for sure what'll happen. It might be a case that the dead can't leave the city. Or I could bring death to everyone... or overpopulate the world..."

Luna smiled the kind smile that always made Amy feel everything will be alright. "I think as long as you're controlling it, everything will turn out right. The fates agree with you."

Amy hummed thoughtfully.

"Thanks, Luna..."

"You need a reminder of your good side sometimes. Thats ok." Luna dreamily said, returning to looking up at the trees. She was holding out a pink stick wrapped in green pipe cleaner. She was quite insistant that it'd vibrate around a dropbear. For once, Amy was doubtful.

"How do you do that?" Amy asked. "Always make me feel calm. Always make my problems melt away."

Luna shrugged and smiled. "I just say what I see. If the truth is calming then maybe you're overthinking."

Amy hummed. There was almost certainly something more but she realised even Luna probably doesn't know.

Amy was about to speak again when Luna looked at the stick. It was shaking. She looked up just in time to see a giant koala falling down towards them. They quickly darted out of the way.

Amy laughed.

"By Osiris, we found one!" She said through her laughter, diving out the way as the giant marsupial charged her.

"Don't hurt it!" Luna called out.

"I won't! What do you want from it?" Amy said as she once again dodged a swipe of the animal's claw.

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