59. Moonrise

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The same evening that she returned from the Parkinson estate she had a meeting planned with her father. She left Pansy in their new home and took the portal to The Court.

As she passed the ancient vampires in the halls they all looked stunned. They hadn't heard she had returned. They gave hasty bows as she passed.

In her father's chambers she was surprised to see Vlad as well as Marco and Alexios. Vlad never had access to her father. She didn't let her surprise show. She bowed, approached and kissed her father's hand.

"Ahmose, my heart." He said fondly to her. "Now that we are all assembled, I have an announcement to make."

All the assembled looked at each other, no one had any idea. Anubis looked at them all with a warm expression.

"It is time." He said simply. "Ahmose is clearly the Moon of prophecy. She has proven that she can stand tall on her own and even assemble a loyal court. She will soon eclipse even me in power. I am proud of you Ahmose. I hope that I am wrong when I say I believe I won't awaken. I would love to see you again, at the end of your journey..." It was the first time Amy had ever seen him look saddened.

"Father..." She said, stepping close. She didn't care that the others were watching, or that she was never usually affectionate with her father. She took his hands in hers while tears rolled down her face. "I hope I see you again too. I am so grateful that you elevated me; that you gave me opportunites beyond any other; that I got to know you at all..." She held back her tears as her father looked at her with affection. "I love you, father."

"And I love you, my heart." He said, placing a hand on her cheek.

After a moment, he retracted his hand and stood tall. His giant form towering over them. With a gesture, his onyx jackal mask appeared on his head, it seemed to grow out of thin air.

"All of you, follow me." He ordered, putting a hand on Amy's shoulder so the two walked side by side. For the first time in the memory of even the oldest of the vampires of The Court, Anubis left his chamber.

As they walked through the palace, vampires looked shocked by the sight. The instantly fell to the floor in a prostrated bow. Any who didn't, Amy forced to. They walked to a room that had always been sealed. The doors opened for Anubis.

It was a large hall. An elevated area hosted two thrones. A giant round black crystal sat in front of them, held in place with a silver frame.

"Assemble the Court." Anubis ordered Alexios.

He obliged and the rest took to the thrones. Amy took the left and Anubis took the right. Vlad stood by her side while Marco stood by Anubis'.

As the vampires entered the room, audible gasps could be heard and hasty bows. Amy maintained a stoney expression. When all had gathered, Alexios came and stood beside Marco.

"Summon your bloodline, they should be here." Anubis mentally spoke to her.

She gave no outward sign she had heard anything except for placing a finger on her forearm.

Her friends appeared around her, causing shock among the vampires who'd never seen apparation before. They were even more shocked as a now six foot long dragon climbed into Amy's lap and curled up. Soot perched on her shoulder. Her girlfriends stood closely on either side of her throne, two on each side and placing hands on her shoulders, arms or on the throne. The boys stood to the side with Vlad.

"Welcome." Anubis' voice shook the room. "Today I make an important announcement."

He held up a hand towards the giant crystal orb. Ripples of red seemed to flow through it as he channeled his magic. Suddenly everyone, Amy included, seemed shocked to feel Anubis forcibly enter their mind.

"This message will reach all vampires. They will see us as though from the orb." He explained. "I am Anubis. The last of my siblings to resist the call to slumber. I was tasked by my father, Osiris, to find a suitable heir for him. This heir, the Moon that will oversee the night while we sleep. The Moon is risen. Ahmose..." He gestured to her. "Will guide us. She will bring us into a new era. She will come to you eventually and expect your loyalty. You will give it. It may be this week, a year, a decade, even a millenium... She will call upon you all eventually."

"Would you like to say something, my heart?" He mentally asked.

"You may ask yourself, why would you offer me loyalty? You know nothing of me, afterall. We will head into the future together. No longer will you stand in seperate clans, fighting over territory. No longer will you have to hunt to feed. No longer will you hide in the shadows. We will build a world where we may live alongside the mortals. We will build a world where we are able to live openly as a respected part of society. We will build a world free of wars or famine." She explained with a warm smile that now faded into a cold, harsh expression. "But if you stand in the way. If you resist the future. I will not hesitate to destroy you utterly."

She gestured that she had finished.

"From this point forward, until Osiris returns, Ahmose has supreme authority over us all. She alone will shape our future. She alone will decide our new place in the world. When she calls for you, do not hesitate." Anubis finished.

When he released his magical hold over everyone's mind, the orb shattered.

"It was created by Osiris to be used on this day. It was only ever meant to be used once." He explained.

He stood up now, looking down at those gathered through his mask. "Do you give her your loyalty?" He asked. The crowd were obligated by his power to speak the truth. Most cheered their approval. Those few that didn't however, fell dead instantly. "Good."

He turned to her and bowed down. "Lead us well, Ahmose. I will see you at the end." He declared. Once he stood again, he headed out of the hall. Only Marco and Alexios followed. That would be the last time she saw him, she thought. She maintained a stoney expression though. The Court were all watching her.

She adressed them. "A new era. That is what we are now on the precipice of. We must move boldly into it. We must sieze it and make it our own. My bloodline has proven to have power beyond any single vampire or mortal. We will guide you. The girls beside me are my loves and my lieutenants. They act with my authority. If they ask something of you, consider that an order from me. For now, go about your usual duties. You are dismissed."

They bowed in unison and turned to leave.

"Well... that was unexpected." Amy said with a laugh to her friends and Vlad.

They all gave small laughs.

"I didn't know what to expect when I was called to Anubis' chambers..." Vlad said with a nervous laugh.

"He knew you are one of my most trusted advisors and my mentor. You may not have been part of his 'inner circle', but you are part of mine." She replied with a smile.

"I am honoured, Ahmose." He said with a deep bow.

"Well then..." Amy said, standing up. "We should establish a communication network. Vlad can you arrange with Alexios and Marco to contact the largest courts and clans. The sooner we establish contact, the sooner we can begin weeding out dissident groups and gathering allies. Ultimately, we have years to establish ourselves but we should strike while the iron is hot."

"I will see it done." He said with a small bow.

"Thank you. Now, I think it best that we do not announce our intentions to the mortals until we are more established. I would like to continue my wizarding education and doing so would cause complications."

"I agree." He nodded.

"Good. For now, everything continues as before. I will pass along more orders soon."

Thr group of friends all returned to the stone circle home in silence. Once they were back they all began talking excitedly. Some were nervous, others happy. All of them knew the day would come. It was just quite the shock.

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