57. Public Announcement

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The next day, Dumbledore was going to make the announcement of Voldemort's return during the evening dinner. He asked Amy and her friends to be there considering they were all witnesses. Amy happily agreed. She intended to speak too.

During the meal, only Harry and Amy were seated. The rest were in the tower. They would apparate in once she was about to speak.

After the hall was filled, Amy gave a nod to Dumbledore and he stood to get the attention of the room.

"Attention, please." He called and the hall quietened until silent. "As many of you are aware. Yesterday's final to the tournament was marked by a number of chaotic departures from the plan."

"Like Krum being murdered!" Someone called.

"She killed Krum!" Someone else shouted.

Dumbledore held up a hand to silence them. He gestured for Amy and Harry to join. They did. Once she was by his side, their friends apparated around them. Sethi also joined. Everyone knew about him now and, since he became a horcrux, he and Amy had a constant desire to be close. He climbed up her and wrapped around again. Most people gasped at seeing him in the light and at seeing the group apparate within the school grounds.

Harry was standing on Dumbledore's left while Amy was on his right.

"Those who now surround me were witnesses." Dumbledore continued. "Voldemort has returned."

A murmur spread through the hall.

"The Ministry of Magic," Dumbledore continued, "does not wish me to tell you this. It is possible that some of your parents will be horrified that I have done so – either because they will not believe that Lord Voldemort has returned, or because they think I should not tell you so, young as you are. It is my belief, however, that the truth is generally preferable to lies."

"Amy, here, was taken in a trap designed for Harry to Voldemort. Due to their unique ability to apparate, the group here were all able to aid her. The group escaped and arrived back here. Amy, do you have anything to add?"

She nodded and stepped forward.

She looked over the crowd silently. She was met with glares or lowered eyes. She channeled some vitae to charm the crowd, all eyes fell on her. They couldn't help it. Her presence suddenly inspired awe; suddenly she appeared much more attractive; suddenly she seemed more powerful.

"Voldemort has returned." She started. "He is a threat to us all. You may say to yourself that you are fine. Maybe you are pureblooded. Maybe you have a taste for dark magics. Maybe you see opportunity in the coming war. You. Are. Not. Safe." The hall was silent, all eyes on her. "Voldemort only cares about his own power. His followers are disposable to him. You may do well under him for a while but I assure you, you will meet a violent end."

She looked around once again. Some seemed panicked.

"That is not a reason to give up hope, however. I, personally will be leading an effort against the Death Eaters. As, I'm sure, will Dumbledore." She turned to him. "Dumbledore, we propose an alliance to deal with this threat."

He smiled. "Your help would be welcomed."

She nodded and turned back to the hall. "I know many of you hate me. Maybe I scare you. Maybe you believe the Ministry's lies. I don't blame you. I offer no pretentions to be 'good' or gentle. I am violent and relentless to my enemies. To my friends however..." She looked into the eyes of many of the students who seemed particularly curious. "I reward loyalty and offer it in return. We elevate each other. I can say with absolute certainty that any of those behind me would fight and die for any one of the others.

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