77. Potion of Youth

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The Christmas break rolled around and very little changed for the group. Because of their portals, they could go home whenever anyway. Still, the extra time from not having lessons was time she could use to catch up with her self-imposed work load.

Snape and Amy spent two very intensive days working on the age reversing potion.

"Sev, you can't just rely on those stimulant potions... you need to rest." Amy said, placing a hand on his shoulder. He had just opened another potion to keep him awake for another day.

He grunted. "We're so close, Amy... We just need to make the change permanent..."

"Well..." Amy said thoughtfully. "I'm hesitant to suggest it because the last time I used myself as an ingredient, Helena became a vampire..."

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

"My blood. Wizards don't use it much because vampirism transmission isn't fully understood. It has healing properties. Usually, drinking our blood makes the drinker grow more and more attached to the donor... more obedient. Despite that it heals wounds incredibly well... What if... we could seperate the healing factor without keeping the side effects... the rapid 'healing' might lock the younger age."

He listened thoughtfully with a slight smile.

"We could distill it... see if we can 'filter' it..."

Despite his exhaustion, they had a second wind and worked through the night. By the morning though, they had a potion to reverse aging. They'd need a lot. They had thousands of years to reverse. Snape stayed awake long enough to see the ancient druid drink the potion. The had him drink it slowly. The last thing they wanted was for him to drink too much and reverse himself from existence.

Ginny, Ron and the twins joined during the process, the old man had been talking to them all regularly. They found him fascinating. For hours, he remained ancient looking although slightly less so as time went. He continued to drink goblet after goblet. His skin started to firm up. His muscles regained definition. His grey hair slowly grew streaks of ginger. Eventually, his long hair and beard were completely bright orange. Still, his muscles firmed up. His posture corrected itself. His tired eyes became keen and energised. Youth returned.

"He's definitely a Weasley." Fred joked, looking at his hair.

"Right, Fred. It's cosmic cruelty that his hair carried through thousands of years to make us gingers..." George laughed.

"I happen to quite like gingers..." Amy said, throwing Ginny a flirtatious look.

Ron groaned loudly. "If you're going to date my sister, can you take it elsewhere..."

"Sorry, Ron, didn't hear you, I was lost in Ginny's eyes." She replied in a corny way, hamming up the flirting. Ginny laughed, rolled her eyes and pulled Amy in to a kiss. She melted into it and moaned contentedly. Fred and George wolf-whistled and Ron sounded like he was going to be sick.

Grandfather chuckled and Snape sighed.

"Well then," Snape said. "Now that we know it works, I'm going to bed. Let me know if anything unexpected comes up." Amy smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, Sev." She said and waved as he left.

Now Fred and George groaned. "I can't believe you're on first name basis with him..." Fred moaned.

"Downright awful, he is..." George nodded.

"Only if you're the school pranksters... or Harry... He's a sweetheart if you get to know him." Amy defended.

"How're you feeling Grandfather?" Ginny asked, changing the subject.

"Incredible..." The man said. "Age creeps up so gradually, you don't realise how awful it is..."

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